#Veteran Events & Announcements 3/30 to 4/19
Listed below are the events I have for the next 21 days here in the Metro Detroit area, of which there are 5 new items. You can also go to the Legion 328 website to download any flyer for these future events at http://www.legionpost328.org/ events.html If your group has an event benefiting veterans, or you hear of an event, please share with me so I can share with the veteran community. I would rather get an event 3 times than not at all! Please make sure any flyer lists address of event and a contact person! You can also find many other veteran events & information for Veterans on the State of MI Veterans website, Detroit Public Televisions' Veterans website, and a few others: http://www.michiganveterans. com/home/Calendar.aspx http://www.veterans.dptv.org/ all-events http://www.hostmtb.org/RADs_ and_Other_Retiree-Veterans_ Events.html#MI https://sites.g...