Help with DD-214

One of the most important documents for a veteran to have is the DD-214 discharge form they received when leaving military service. This form is the basic information needed by a veteran service officer to start a claim for a veteran.

As a veteran if you want to file a claim for any of the benefits you have earned because of your service to the United States you will need to show this document. Applying for any of these benefits requires a DD214 

VA Educational Benefits
VA Home Loan Guaranty
VA Health Benefits
VA Mental Health
or for applying for a government position

If you have lost the form, a veteran or veterans family may request to receive a copy from the Department of Veteran Affairs or the Archives.

How to request a copy of a DD-214?  
Visit or go to and search for a SF180 request form.  Follow the instructions on the form.

As a veteran keep this information on file, also let your family know where this information is located in the house.  Upon your death they will need this information to receive death benefits you will receive as a veteran.

If you are in need of starting a claim with the Veterans Administration be sure to use an accredited veterans service officer.  The American Legion Department of Michigan Service office is located in Detroit, Michigan.  Please contact the American Legion Veterans Service Office at (313) 964-6640.  

You do not need to be a member of the American Legion to take advantage of these services and these services are free of charge to all veterans.

Learn more at

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