#Veteran Events & Announcements 5/31 to 6/15
Listed below are only the events I have for the next 14+ days here in the Metro Detroit area, of which there are 8 new items. You can also go to the Legion 328 website to download any flyer for these and future events (thru August) at http://www.legionpost328.org/ events.html
If your group has an event benefiting veterans, or you hear of an event, please share with me so I can share with the veteran community. I would rather get an event 3 times than not at all! Please make sure any flyer lists address of event and a contact person!
You can also find many other veteran events & information for Veterans on the State of MI Veterans website and a few others:
http://www.michiganveterans. com/home/Calendar.aspx
http://www.hostmtb.org/RADs_ and_Other_Retiree-Veterans_ Events.html#MI
https://sites.google.com/site/ miveteranevents/home/military
"Saturday & Sunday, June 2 & 3, 2018 (NEW)" The Chesterfield Twp Historical Society & the MI Military Technical & Historical Society, is hosting a historical re-enactors on the military in the US. Times are 10AM till 4PM both days. Located at 47275 Sugarbush Rd, Chesterfield. For more info see flyer.
"Monday, June 4, 2018 " Join the AARP, the Southfield Veterans Commission, & the 14th District, for a veterans benefit seminar at Southfield City Hall, 26000 Evergreen, Southfield, P&R room 115, from 1:30 to 3:30PM. Free refreshments. Free for the general public. For more info call Danny at 313-460-1719 or see flyer.
"Wednesday, June 6, 2018 " Southfield VFW Post 2645 will be holding its' monthly Spaghetti Dinner, and social, at 24222 W Nine Mile, Southfield from 5 till 7PM. Cost is $7 and includes a single meal, salad, & desert. A second helping of spaghetti is included. For more info see flyer.
"Friday, June 8, 2018 " The MI Military Technical & Historical Society is hosting its annual Museum Cruise In from 3 to 6PM, 16600 Stephens Rd, Eastpointe. Food, Trophies, Raffles. For more info call 586-872-2581 or see flyer.
"Friday, Saturday, Sunday, June 8, 9, 10, 2018 " The state of Michigan Vietnam Veterans of America annual convention will take place at the Double Tree by Hilton, Southfield & Ford Roads. All are welcome.
"Saturday & Sunday, June 9 & 10, 2018 (NEW) " The Harley Davidson Dealer Ship on Haggerty Road and Grandriver in Farmington Hills will be hosting Harley Feast on June 9th from 10am - 10pm and on the 10th from 10am - 8pm. There will be many vendors live bands and food The Freedom Center will have a booth to make people aware of what we do so come on by and learn about the Freedom Center
"Saturday, June 9, 2018 " The 2nd annual Horsepower for Heroes Car Show will take place at U-Pull & Save Auto Parts, 240 E Columbia, Pontiac, from 10AM till 2PM. Bring food donations, etc. For more info see flyer.
"Saturday, June 9, 2018 (NEW)" Michigan Women Veterans is hosting a Yard Sale & Dirt Therapy fun program. Will run from Noon till 4PM at 19935 Orleans, Detroit. For more info call 810-373-5744 and see flyer.
"Thursday, June 14, 2018 " Premier Events Center, 20400 S. Nunneley Rd, Clinton Twp, is hosting a Charity Euchre Tournament for the Guardian Angels, a group that provides service dogs to vets. Cost is $25 per player. To per-register visit their website. For more info see flyer.
"Friday, June 15, 2018 " The 3rd Judicial Circuit Court & The MSU office of government is hosting a Veterans Reboot, Rebuild & Reconnect Fair from 9AM till 2PM at the MSU-Office of Government & External Relations, 3408 Woodward, Detroit. This is free and open to all veterans. Expungment forum, VA Counseling, employment, etc. For more info call them at 313-578-9708. For map of parking areas and more info, see flyer. To per-register see the official form.
"Friday, June 15, 2018 " The Yankee Air Museum will have an exclusive showing of the play "Willow Run," an original play by Jeff Duncan, presented by the Purple Rose Theatre Company. Doors open at 6:30PM, performance at 8PM, at the Purple Rose Theatre, 137 Park St, Chelsea. To reserve tickets visit official site. Also see flyer.
If your group has an event benefiting veterans, or you hear of an event, please share with me so I can share with the veteran community. I would rather get an event 3 times than not at all! Please make sure any flyer lists address of event and a contact person!
You can also find many other veteran events & information for Veterans on the State of MI Veterans website and a few others:
"Weekly Detroit RUCK" Every Sunday Team Red/White/Blue, and 22 Until None, are hosting a RUCK starting at 10AM at Bobcat Bonnie's, 1800 Michigan, Detroit. Ends back at Bobcat Bonnie's around noon, about 4 to 6 mile RUCK. Bring any weight or none! For more info email Mike at Team RWB.
"The Wall That Heals" The Wall that Heals, an exact replica of the Wall in Washington, DC, from the Vietnam Veterans Memorial, is coming to Howell at the Livingston County Spencer Hardy Airport August 23rd thru 26th. This event is hosted by DAV chapter 125. Help is needed with set-up, Honor Guard, tear-down. If you can be of help call Anne Marie at 313-898-1086 or go to their website. For a lot more info see flyer, or their Facebook Page.
"Get Your VA ID Card" For those vets not receiving medical benefits from the VA but would like the new ID Card for discounts at stores & shops, etc., visit the official source here.
"Pre-Approval Form for Burial at a National Cemetery" You can submit a form to the VA for pre-approval to be burial at a National Cemetery. Note: Understand they are 11 months behind in processing. The Form 40-1007 is here.
"Saturday, June 2, 2018 " The Student Veterans of America (SVA) will be hosting a student leadership symposium from 10AM till 6PM at the Historic Detroit News Bldg, 615 W Lafayette, Detroit. Free to all. Connect with fellow students, development programming, etc. For more info see flyer. "Saturday & Sunday, June 2 & 3, 2018 (NEW)" The Chesterfield Twp Historical Society & the MI Military Technical & Historical Society, is hosting a historical re-enactors on the military in the US. Times are 10AM till 4PM both days. Located at 47275 Sugarbush Rd, Chesterfield. For more info see flyer.
"Monday, June 4, 2018 " Join the AARP, the Southfield Veterans Commission, & the 14th District, for a veterans benefit seminar at Southfield City Hall, 26000 Evergreen, Southfield, P&R room 115, from 1:30 to 3:30PM. Free refreshments. Free for the general public. For more info call Danny at 313-460-1719 or see flyer.
"Wednesday, June 6, 2018 " Southfield VFW Post 2645 will be holding its' monthly Spaghetti Dinner, and social, at 24222 W Nine Mile, Southfield from 5 till 7PM. Cost is $7 and includes a single meal, salad, & desert. A second helping of spaghetti is included. For more info see flyer.
"Friday, June 8, 2018 " The MI Military Technical & Historical Society is hosting its annual Museum Cruise In from 3 to 6PM, 16600 Stephens Rd, Eastpointe. Food, Trophies, Raffles. For more info call 586-872-2581 or see flyer.
"Friday, Saturday, Sunday, June 8, 9, 10, 2018 " The state of Michigan Vietnam Veterans of America annual convention will take place at the Double Tree by Hilton, Southfield & Ford Roads. All are welcome.
"Saturday & Sunday, June 9 & 10, 2018 (NEW) " The Harley Davidson Dealer Ship on Haggerty Road and Grandriver in Farmington Hills will be hosting Harley Feast on June 9th from 10am - 10pm and on the 10th from 10am - 8pm. There will be many vendors live bands and food The Freedom Center will have a booth to make people aware of what we do so come on by and learn about the Freedom Center
"Saturday, June 9, 2018 " The 2nd annual Horsepower for Heroes Car Show will take place at U-Pull & Save Auto Parts, 240 E Columbia, Pontiac, from 10AM till 2PM. Bring food donations, etc. For more info see flyer.
"Saturday, June 9, 2018 (NEW)" Michigan Women Veterans is hosting a Yard Sale & Dirt Therapy fun program. Will run from Noon till 4PM at 19935 Orleans, Detroit. For more info call 810-373-5744 and see flyer.
"Thursday, June 14, 2018 " Premier Events Center, 20400 S. Nunneley Rd, Clinton Twp, is hosting a Charity Euchre Tournament for the Guardian Angels, a group that provides service dogs to vets. Cost is $25 per player. To per-register visit their website. For more info see flyer.
"Friday, June 15, 2018 " The 3rd Judicial Circuit Court & The MSU office of government is hosting a Veterans Reboot, Rebuild & Reconnect Fair from 9AM till 2PM at the MSU-Office of Government & External Relations, 3408 Woodward, Detroit. This is free and open to all veterans. Expungment forum, VA Counseling, employment, etc. For more info call them at 313-578-9708. For map of parking areas and more info, see flyer. To per-register see the official form.
"Friday, June 15, 2018 " The Yankee Air Museum will have an exclusive showing of the play "Willow Run," an original play by Jeff Duncan, presented by the Purple Rose Theatre Company. Doors open at 6:30PM, performance at 8PM, at the Purple Rose Theatre, 137 Park St, Chelsea. To reserve tickets visit official site. Also see flyer.
-- Tim Wirkus USAF 66-70 VFW 2645 Life Member VVA 154 Life Member DAV 19 Life Member AM Legion 14 Member Sfd Vet Commission Member VCAT Region 10 Member Metro Airport Freedom Center - Staff
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