#Veteran Events & Announcements 1/11 to 1/28

Listed below are only the events I have for the next 14+ days here in the Metro Detroit area, of which there are 8 new items (we're into our slow time). You can also go to the Legion 328 website to download any flyer for these and future events (thru November) at  http://www.legionpost328.org/events.html Clicking on "attached flyer" for each event either below or on the future listing at the website will get you the flyer for that event.

If your group has an event benefiting veterans, or you hear of an event, please share with me so I can share with the veteran community.  I would rather get an event 3 times than not at all!  Please make sure any flyer lists address of event and a contact person!

You can also find many other veteran events & information for Veterans on the State of MI Veterans website and a few others:



"Home Front Strong" This is an 8 week program to help military or veteran spouses/partners prepare for, cope with, or rebound from the challenges of deployment and military life. Participants can receive $140 for completing. For complete info and locations see flyer.


"Saturday, January 13, 2018 (NEW)" The Royal Oak Legion Riders, from post 253, is hosting an Euchre Tournament starting at 7PM, doors open at 6, at their hall at 1505 N Main, Royal Oak. $10 entry fee. For more info see flyer.

"Sunday, January 14, 2018 " The Michigan Military Technical & Historical Society presents another in their lecture series on World War II, this time Politics, Torch, & Casablanca. This is the 75th anniversary of the famous Casablanca Conference, by Chris Causley. Admission by donation. Located at 16600 Stevens, Eastpointe. Doors open at 2PM. See flyer for more info.

"Thursday, January 18, 2018 (NEW)" The Love A Michigan Vet Project * the Association of Women Veterans, is hosting a seminar on Military Sexual Trauma Recovery & Healing Workshop at the U of M - Dearborn campus, 19000 Hubbard Dr., Dearborn Rooms 110 & 111, from 7 till 9PM. For more info see flyer. To register for workshop visit Eventbright.

"Saturday, January 20, 2018 " Milford American Legion Post 216 is hosting a family friendly Pure Pro Wrestling event at their post, 1510 Commerce Rd, Milford, at both 3:30 & 7PM. General admission is $10. For complete info see flyer.

"Sunday, January 21, 2018 (NEW)" Berkley American Legion is hosting a Breakfast fundraiser On the third Sunday of the month At the Berkley American Legion Post 372 at 2079 W.12 mile rd. between Woodward and Coolidge 248-542-7668 Doors open at 8:30 am with food service 9am - 12 noon

"Tuesday, January 23, 2018 " The Arsenal of Democracy Chapter, Association of the US Army, is hosting its 2nd annual Cigar Night at Jenuwune Cigar Factory Outlet, 44791 Schoenherr Rd, Sterling Hgts, starting at 5PM. $25 for pre registration, $30 at the door. For complete info see flyer or call 586-997-1731.

"Friday, January 26, 2018 " The Student Veterans of America, U of M Ann Arbor chapter, is hosting their annual benefit dinner, 530 S State St, Ann Arbor, with a vip cocktail hour starting at 5PM, reception at 6. Guest speaker is Peter Meijer. For complete info see flyer. For reservations go to http://bit.ly/2iVwDzo.

"Saturday, January 27, 2018 " The U of M Student Vets Association in Ann Arbor is hosting their annual Army vs Navy Wheelchair Basketball Game, at Crisler Center, with tip-off at 5PM. This is a free event for all. U of M Dance Team, U of M Cheerleader Team, 338th Army Band, etc. See flyer for more info.

"Saturday, January 27, 2018 " Livonia American Post 32 is hosting the 12th annual Polar Bear Steak Dinner to raise money for their various vet programs. All proceeds to help local vets. Cost is $18 per person. From 5 to 8PM at Post 32, 9318 Newburgh Rd, Livonia. See flyer for complete info.

"Saturday, January 27, 2018 (NEW)" The Desert Angel's are hosting another in their ongoing Packing Parties for the troops serving overseas, today at the Spirit of Grace Church, 2399 Figa Ave, W Bloomfield Twp, from 1 till 3PM. Our TROOPS are in need of the following items: VALENTINE COOKIES, COFFEE, HOT CHOCOLATE, GIRL SCOUT COOKIES, letters of encouragement. EVERYTHING from wipes, to food products, to snacks like dried fruits, nuts, meats, tuna etc. gum, candy.. even chocolate!! New socks and more socks, toiletries, so many items they do NOT have excess to. This is an opportunity to serve our TROOPS as they serve our country. YOU can make a difference!

"Sunday, January 28, 2018 " Oxford Legion Post 108 is hosting the annual Four Chaplains Interfaith Memorial Service at 2PM. Post is located at 130 E. Drahner Rd., Oxford. Admission is free and all are welcome. For more info see flyer.

"Sunday, January 28, 2018 (NEW)" The Fallen Heroes Memorial Foundation is a 501©3, established in 2006 to build and dedicate Lest They Be Forgotten memorials to honor and remember the service and sacrifice of our military fallen heroes. The Foundation's current project is to build a memorial in Oakland County to honor the 18 Military service members who have made the ultimate sacrifice during the War on Terror. A pancake breakfast with raffle and a bake sale will be held at the Peace Lutheran Church Waterford, 7390 Elizabeth Lake Road, just east of Williams Lake Road, Waterford, from 8 till 11AM. Cost is $10.00 per adult, $5.00 for children under 10 years, children under 2 years old are free. Breakfast includes all-you-can-eat Pancakes, a sausage patty, Orange juice and coffee !! Please bring cash for raffles and the bake sale. All donations are welcome and all proceeds go towards the building of the Oakland County Military Fallen Heroes Memorial. For further information call Peace Lutheran Church, Mon – Thurs 248 – 681- 9360 or call Skip Bushart at 248-245-7653.

--   Tim Wirkus  USAF 66-70  VFW 2645  Life Member  VVA 154 Life Member  DAV 19 Life Member  AM Legion 14 Member  Sfd Vet Commission Member


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