#Veteran Events & Announcements 11/23 to 12/31

Listed below are only the events I have for the next 14+ days here in the Metro Detroit area, of which there are 5 new items. You can also go to the Legion 328 website to download any flyer for these and future events (thru November) at  http://www.legionpost328.org/events.html
If your group has an event benefiting veterans, or you hear of an event, please share with me so I can share with the veteran community.  I would rather get an event 3 times than not at all!  Please make sure any flyer lists address of event and a contact person!

You can also find many other veteran events & information for Veterans on the State of MI Veterans website, Detroit Public Televisions' Veterans website, and a few others:



Happy Thanksgiving!
"Adopt a Military Family" There are many Military families that struggle through the holiday season. Selfridge Adopt-A-Military Family Christmas Program allows donors to adopt a military family in need during the holidays. For more info on what you can do see their flyer.
"Holiday Deployed Troop Packing" The Women Marines Association, MI-2 Motor City Chapter, is collecting numerous items to pack and ship to our deployed troops this holiday season. The flyer lists the items they could use, drop off points, and other ways you can help.

"Saturday, November 25, 2017 (Update)" American Legion Post 364, 3001 S Telegraph, Dearborn, is hosting a fund raiser for Wreaths Across American while watching the Ohio vs MI football game. Kick off at 11AM. See flyer for complete info. Plus: At 6PM the Legion Riders will host a Wings & Whiskey Fest with live entertainment starting at 8PM (busy post!). $20 for a chicken dinner. See flyer for more info.
"Saturday, December 2, 2017 " Mt Clemens VVA Chapter 154 is hosting its annual Operation Christmas Dinner/Dance at the Fern Hill Golf Club, 17600 Clinton River Rd, Clinton Twp, starting at 5:30PM. Cost is $35 plus one unwrapped toy. For details see flyer.
"Sunday, December 3, 2017 " Royal Oak Legion Riders will hold a "donation only" breakfast, at their post 253, 1505 N Main, Royal Oak, from 8AM till Noon. Proceeds to Vets Returning Home. For more info see flyer.
"Sunday, December 3, 2017 " The Michigan Military Technical & Historical Society will host another in their series on WWII, this time presenting "Rosie, a Detroit Herstory", by Sisoy Isgro. Doors open at 2PM at 16600 Stephens Rd. Eastpointe. Admission by donation. See flyer for more info.
"Wednesday, December 6, 2017" Southfield VFW 2645 is hosting its monthly Spaghetti Dinner social from 5 till 7PM at the post, 24222 W 9 Mile, Southfield, entrance at the rear of the building. $7 for one full spaghetti dinner, plus one 2nd portion of spaghetti with garlic bread! For more info see new flyer. For list of beverages available see this flyer.
"Wednesday, December 6, 2017 (NEW)" The Yankee Air Museum is hosting another in their WWII lecture series, this time about Detroit in the roaring 20's. This is a free event in their General Purpose Room at Willow Run Airport starting at 7:30pm. See flyer for details.
"Saturday, December 9, 2017" American Legion Post 364 is hosting the Rivalry of the Ages, the Army vs Navy football game game, tailgate party starting at 1PM at their post, 3001 S Telegraph, Dearborn. For more info see flyer.
"Saturday, December 9, 2017 " Please be the guest of Women Supporting Women Vets at the showing of Polar Express at the Historical Redford Theatre at starting at 2:00. You and your family will receive a ticket to the movie, a small drink and a small popcorn. After the movie the children can visit Santa Claus and then come across the lobby to receive a small gift from our Elf. Tickets are limited so please book early and let us know if you cannot make it so we can release the tickets to another veteran family. We will meet you in the lobby of the theatre and hand out your tickets. Movie starts at 2 so get there by 1:45. The Redford Theatre is located at 17360 Lahser Road, Detroit 48219
"Saturday, December 16, 2017 " The Warren Historical Society will be laying wreaths at the Warren Union Cemetery, Chicago Rd between Ryan & Mound, starting at 2PM. Come out and help! See flyer for info.
"Tuesday, December 19, 2017 (NEW)" The Centerline VFW post auxiliary is hosting a free Thank You lunch to all veterans, active duty, and first responders from 11AM till 4PM. Post is located at 25500 Sherwood, Centerline. RSVP by 12/1 at vfw6756aux@yahoo.com. See flyer for more info.

--   Tim Wirkus  USAF 66-70  VFW 2645  Life Member  VVA 154 Life Member  DAV 19 Life Member  AM Legion 14 Member  Sfd Vet Commission Member


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