
Showing posts from October, 2017

Media and Communications Committee Report October 2017

LaDonna Seibelink, Committee Secretary The ever-changing world of information technology influences how we keep Legion news in front of our members and the American people.  With so many tools at hand, there are more ways than ever to put the word out on the mission, the programs, and the various events held at all levels.  So many choices make it difficult to do justice to all generations.   The Media and Communications Committee of the American Legion Department of Michigan is committed to their mission to continue to serve all of our members, each and every community, and to push the limits in reaching new members.  There are many communication tools already available, and more being developed.  The sources are the Legion, Department, and two of the press associations connected with The American Legion.   The National American Legion Press Association (NALPA) elected Mark Sutton to be the 2017/2018 president during its meeting at N...

#Veteran Events & Announcements 10/26 to 11/10

Listed below are only the events I have for the next 14+ days here in the Metro Detroit area, of which there are 9 new items. You can also go to the Legion 328 website to download any flyer for these and future events (thru November) at events.html Clicking on "attached flyer" for each event either below or on the future listing at the website will get you the flyer for that event. If your group has an event benefiting veterans, or you hear of an event, please share with me so I can share with the veteran community.   I would rather get an event 3 times than not at all!  Please make sure any flyer lists address of event and a contact person! You can also find many other veteran events & information for Veterans on the State of MI Veterans website, Detroit Public Televisions' Veterans website, and a few others: http://www.m...

October 2017 Reconnect Report

Gary Tanner Chairman, Department Reconnect Committee What is Reconnect?  Believe it or not, I still get asked this question while traveling around our state.  The Department of Michigan Reconnect Committee has been developing and implementing comprehensive, innovative Troop and Family Support Services as well as temporary financial assistance for unforeseen hardships.  Even with the force drawdowns and decreases in Michigan National Guard deployments, our requests for assistance have continued to increase each year.  Last year our committee received more than $100,000 in privately funded donations and provided more than $90,000 in assistance.  That’s right!  You read those figures correctly.  In addition, an astounding 100 percent of every dollar received by the Reconnect Committee’s programs goes right back out to the families we assist!  Thanks to the Michigan American Legion Foundation, every donation is 100 percent tax deductible too....

#Veteran Events & Announcements 10/19 to 11/5

Listed below are only the events I have for the next 14+ days here in the Metro Detroit area, of which there are 7 new items. You can also go to the Legion 328 website to download any flyer for these and future events (thru November) at events.html If your group has an event benefiting veterans, or you hear of an event, please share with me so I can share with the veteran community.   I would rather get an event 3 times than not at all!  Please make sure any flyer lists address of event and a contact person! You can also find many other veteran events & information for Veterans on the State of MI Veterans website, Detroit Public Televisions' Veterans website, and a few others: http://www.michiganveterans. com/home/Calendar.aspx all-events and_Other_Retiree-Veterans_ Events.html#...