Contact Your Representative: Action Alert: The American Legion Coin Bill

The American Legion Coin Bill
An Honor Worth Coining
(June 29, 2017) The American Legion has a golden opportunity. Well, silver and gold actually. With your help, we can encourage Congress to mark The American Legion's 2019 Centennial with limited edition, exquisitely crafted commemorative coins. Not only will these coins raise public awareness about the greatest veterans organization in the country, proceeds from their sale will raise funds for our outstanding programs.
A bipartisan group in Congress is now gathering support for The American Legion 100th Anniversary Commemorative Coin Act. This legislation, if passed, would honor the Legion for its 100 years of service to our nation's heroes by directing the U.S. Mint to issue a variety of special limited edition commemorative coins available for purchase during 2019. Congress only authorizes two coins per year and one has already been awarded for 2019, so there's only one left.
But the Legion has strong competition and we need your help to get this done!
Please ask your representative and senators to join Sen. Todd Young, R-Ind., Sen Joe Donnelly, D-Ind., Rep Phil Roe, R-Tenn., and Rep. Tim Walz, D-Minn., as cosponsors of this important legislation by sending the prepared message below. The House bill is H.R. 2519 and the Senate bill is S. 1182
The American Legion 100th Anniversary Commemorative Coin Act provides Congress with a valuable way to thank the Legion for its service to our nation, and to invest in our shared values.
We cannot afford to miss this vital opportunity for Congress to recognize the great work of The American Legion! Please contact your Members of Congress now.
(If received by email, scroll up and click the Take Action link, otherwise see below and send a prepared message to Congress. Also, Like this on Facebook.)

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