#Veteran Events & Announcements 6/8 to 6/22

Listed below are only the events I have for the next 14 days here in the Metro Detroit area, of which there are 10 new items. You can also go to the Legion 328 website to download any flyer for these and future events (thru August) at  http://www.legionpost328.org/events.html.

If your group has an event benefiting veterans, or you hear of an event, please share with me so I can share with the veteran community.  I would rather get an event 3 times than not at all!  Please make sure any flyer lists address of event and a contact person!

You can also find many other veteran events & information for Veterans on the State of MI Veterans website, Detroit Public Televisions' Veterans website, and a few others:



"Calling all Marines!" Marine week (Note: The site currently talks about Nashville last year, but gives you an idea of what it will be like here in Detroit) is coming to downtown Detroit the week of September 6th. The Marine Corps is looking for Marines of all generations to help with the event. Still in the planning stage but if you would like to get involved contact SSgt Ana Villanueva at the Marine Corps at 703-614-6092 or via email.

"Buddy-2Buddy June Job Fairs" This list is compiled by B2B only. The list!

Fisher House - Detroit" (Update) The building of a Fisher House near the Detroit VA Hospital is proceeding. (A Fisher House is where relatives of a vet receiving treatment can stay while the vet is in the hospital - sort of a Ronald McDonald house for vets.) To see where the project stands read the latest update.


"Friday, August 18, 2017" The Metro Airport Freedom Center, which has hosted over 300,000 guests since opening in 2011, is hosting a golf outing at the Selfridge Golf Course, Hall Rd, Harrison Twp, with an 8AM registration, best ball scramble starting at 9:30. Cost is $100 per person ($380 foursome), lunch & Deli Sandwich Bar. Watch the Thunderbirds practice while you golf. Sponsors are wanted as well as golfers! Note: See form/flyer for rules regarding entrance to Selfridge and for more information. Help the center continue to help those that serve today.

"Sunday, August 13, 2017" At 1:10 pm. Come celebrate the 72nd anniversary of the end of WWII with The Detroit Tigers and The Michigan WWII Legacy Memorial as the Detroit Tigers host the Minnesota Twins at Comerica Park. Click here for details and to buy tickets. A portion of the proceeds benefit The Michigan WWII Legacy Memorial. Tickets must be ordered by June 30th.

"Friday, June 9, 2017" Americas' most acclaimed filmmaker and former Ann Arbor resident, Ken Burns will also present special screening of The Vietnam War June 9th at the Detroit Institute of Arts, Detroit, 7:30PM, as part of the Cinetopia International Film Festival featuring filmmakers Lynn Novick and Sarah Botstein a showcase of his work and discuss with the audience his upcoming projects and his work as a filmmaker and historian. Tickets are available at http://dptv.org/vietnam.

"Friday, June 9, 2017 (NEW)" The Michigan Military Technical & Historical Society is hosting their 6th annual car show & cruise in from 4 till 8PM at the museum, 16600 Stevens Dr, Eastpointe. Trophies, music, food! Donations accepted. More info on flyer.

"Saturday, June 10, 2017" The Michigan War Dog Memorial will hold a military burial for MWD Spaulding - K419, starting at Noon, 25805 Milford Rd, S Lyon. For more info and pics see flyer.

"Saturday, June 10, 2017" The Yankee Air Museum will have a presentation by Eric Dumigan on Air to Air Photography from 2 till 4PM. This is a free event at the museum, located at Willow Run Airport. For more info see flyer.

"Saturday, June 10, 2017" South Lyon VFW Post 1224 is hosting its 14th annual Dickie Paad Memorial Golf Outing at Rolling Meadows Golf Course, 6484 Sutton Rd, Whitmore Lake. Cost is $65 per golfer. For detailed info visit their website, or call Dave at 810-923-8461, or see flyer.

"Saturday, June 10, 2017" The Troy-Birmingham American Legion Post 14, 1340 W Maple, Troy, is hosting their 4th annual Made in Michigan Table Top festival. There will be over 100 tables of Michigan made items for sale & live entertainment. Free to all to enter. For more info call Joe at 248-200-9688 or see flyer.

"Saturday, June 10, 2017" Prince of Peace Lutheran Church, 28000 New Market, Farmington Hills, is offering a free picnic to all vets, active duty, and 1st responders, from Noon till 4PM. See flyer for more info.

"Saturday, June 10, 2017" Troy VFW Post 4037 is hosting a Pulled Pork dinner & Karaoke at their post, 2375 E Maple, Troy, from 4 till 7PM. Karaoke from 7 till closing. Cost is $8 per plate.

"Sunday, June 11, 2017 (NEW)" Peace Lutheran Church of Waterford, located at 7390 Elizabeth Lake Road, will be hosting a Chicken BBQ. BBQ will begin at 11:45 till 1:00 following the church service. All proceeds from the BBQ will be donated to the Fallen Heroes Memorial Foundation to help build memorials to honor Michigan's Military Fallen Heroes from the War on Terror. Any questions may be directed to Jay Squanda at 248-982-4802. Questions regarding the fallen Heroes Memorial Foundation can be directed to Skip Bushart at 248-245-7653.

"Monday, June 12, 2017" Congresswoman Brenda Lawrence is hosting a Coffee Hour for Veterans at the Michigan Veteran Foundation, 4626 Grand River, Detroit, from 10 till 11:30AM. For more info see flyer.

"Thursday, June 15, 2017 (NEW)" Soldiers' Angels Hunger Relief program is hosting its mobile food distribution for low income veterans at American Legion Post 375, 19486 Sherwood, Detroit, from Noon till 2PM. You must register in advance at 210-629-0020. See flyer for more info.

"Friday, Saturday, Sunday, June 16, 17, 18" Michigan International Speedway, Brooklyn, MI, is offering to vets & active duty free ticket packages for the races. Contact Rick at Camp Liberty to get your tickets. See flyer for more info.

"Saturday, June 17, 2017" The Chief Petty Officers Association is hosting its 47th annual golf outing at Hickory Hollow Golf Club, 49001 North Ave, Mt Clemens, with a dinner following at Legion Post 4 on Groesbeck Hwy. Cost is $65 per person which includes green fees, cart, prizes, dinner, etc. For complete info call 313-715-3253 or see flyer.

"Saturday, June 17, 2017" Horsepower For Heroes is hosting their 1st Car Show at 240 E Columbia Ave, Pontiac, from 10AM till 4PM. All proceeds from the show benefit Desert Angels to supply them with items to ship to the troops overseas. For complete details see flyer.

"Saturday, June 17, 2017 (NEW)" The City of Taylor & the Detroit VA Hospital are hosting a veteran town hall at the Taylor City Hall, 23555 Goddard Rd, Taylor, starting at 9am, running till 1PM. A Vietnam pinning ceremony will take place at 12:30PM. For more info see flyer.

"Monday, June 19, 2017" The Ann Arbor VA Hospital is hosting a Town Hall meeting with all the VA leadership on hand to answer all of your questions. 2215 Fuller Rd, Ann Arbor, Room A818 of Liberty Bldg, from 1 till 2PM.

"Wednesday, June 21, 2017 (NEW)" Veterans in Business is holding its monthly free meeting for vet business owners from 11:30am till 1:30PM, at Level One Bank, 37100 Old Woodward, Bloomfield Twp. Today's topic, Tax Reform under the Trump Administration. For more info call Randy at 248-930-6420 or see flyer.

--   Tim Wirkus  USAF 66-70  VFW 2645  Life Member  VVA 154 Life Member  DAV 19 Life Member  AM Legion 328 Member  Sfd Vet Commission Member
Mark Sutton, PR Director, American Legion, Michigan, sent from tablet.


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