#Veteran Events & Announcements 11/10 to 11/24

Listed below are the events I have for the next 14 days (a lot of stuff) here in the Metro Detroit area, of which there are 12 new items. You can also go to the Legion 328 website to download any flyer for these future events at  http://www.legionpost328.org/events.html 

If your group has an event benefiting veterans, or you hear of an event, please share with me so I can share with the veteran community.  I would rather get an event 3 times than not at all!

You can also find many other veteran events & information for Veterans on the State of MI Veterans website, Detroit Public Televisions' Veterans website, and a few others:




"Marine Corps Toys For Tots" It's getting close to that time of year. To donate toys, find drop locations, or give good old fashion cash, visit their official website for Oakland County, Wayne County, or Macomb County.

"Mentors Needed" Mentors are an important part of the Veteran Treatment Court System. Every veteran in the program must have a mentor. Have some time to help a vet in need. A flyer for the 45th District court (Oak Park) can be found here, but there are several other courts in the metro area that could also use help.

"Free Veterans Day Meals for Vets!" See attached for a pretty comprehensive listing of where you can get a free, or greatly discounted, meal on Veterans Day. Thanks to Mark Meadows for this item. Make sure you call ahead to make sure they offer the meals!

"Peace of Mind for us older vets!" As we all get older we need to start thinking about our medical records, a living will, a regular will, funeral expenses, etc. The State Bar of Michigan has put together a terrific booklet covering these topics with forms you can fill out at home to cover a simple will, living will, etc. Take a look to see if you should do any of this! ALSO: Are you paying for supplemental Medicare coverage? For veterans with Medicare A & B, Humana offers a medical plan that costs $0 and offers increased civilian medical benefits as well as preventive dental, vision, a gym membership and more! Call Ryan at 313-318-7187 for additional information. This is what I use!


"Thursday, November 10, 2016 (Update)" The Honorable Brenda Lawrence is hosting a 50th anniversary of the Vietnam War with a pinning ceremony at Michigan First Credit Union, 27000 Evergreen, Lathrup Village, from 3:30 till 5:30PM. To register contact their office at 248-356-2052. See flyer for more info.

"Thursday, November 10, 2016" Vets Returning Home is having another in their Country Concert Series, this time featuring John King & special guest Joey Vee, at Royalty House, 8201 E 13 Mile, Warren, from 7 till 9PM, doors open at 5:30. Cost is $15 per ticket. For more info visit http://www.vetsreturninghome.org or see flyer.

"Thursday, November 10, 2016 (NEW)" Happy Birthday Marines! Two local events to help celebrate the Marines Birthday: First: Pontiac VFW Post 1370, 800 Cesar Chavez Dr, Pontiac, from 6 till 10PM. Second: Troy VFW Post 4037, 2375 E Maple Rd, Troy, from 7 till Midnight.

"Thursday, November 10, 2016" Dounut Dolly (Vietnam Red Cross Volunteer) will be having a review of her book at General Motors Tech Center Vietnam War 50th Commemoration. Open to Public. Veterans Participation Program Date: Time: 9:00 – 11:00 A.M Location: GM Tech Center Cafetorium 12 Mile & Van Dyke Warren, MI Presentation and Book Signing Contact: Keith Nattrass GM Military & Veteran Affairs Phone 313-304-9661 keith.nattrass@gm.com

"Thursday, November 10, 2016" Dounut Dolly (Vietnam Red Cross Volunteer) will be having a review of her book at Howell Carnegie District Library Veterans' Day Donut Dolly: An American Red Cross Girl's War in Vietnam Korea and Viet Nam Free and open to the public Veterans Adults and Teens Light refreshments served Time: 7:00 – 8:00 P.M Doors open at 6:30 PM Book signing before presentation starting at 6:30 PM and after presentation until 8:30 PM Maebon Room Please use at the back entrance. 314 W. Grand River Howell, MI 48843 Presentation and Book Signing Contact: Brandi Tambasco Adult Services Librarian Phone: 517-546-0720 ex 131 tambasco@howellibrary.org http://www.howelllibrary.org/

"Thursday, November 10, 2016 (NEW)" The Desert Angles are hosting a Packing Party for the troops at the Oakland County Sportsman Club 4770 Waterford Road Clarkston, Mi., from 4 till 6PM. For the troops they are looking for: wipes - personal care - foot powder - socks - cans of pasta, tuna, chicken, fruit, refried beans, etc. - single serving meals - jerky - nuts - dried fruit - "pocket foods (anything that will fit into a packet to take out on missions) powdered drink mix - coffee - tea - energy bars - protien bars - sunflower seeds - ready to eat meals - Raymon noodles - crackers - granola bars - breakfast bars - Things to make them smile - a letter from YOU - nerf balls. And for K-9's they are looking for: waterless shampoo large Kong's (which are toys) paw & nose salve K-9 ear cleaner K-9 eye drops large rope chews collapsible food and water bowls . And if you want to send money to help cover the $15 shipping costs of a package you can send a check to: Desert Angels, Inc. PO Box 210455 Auburn Hills, Mi. 48321.

"Friday, November 11, 2016" The Great Lakes National Cemetery, 4200 Belford Rd. Holly, will be hosting a Veterans' Day Ceremony & observance starting at 11AM. Col Ken Pratt, Chairman of the Airport Freedom Centers, will be guest speaker. See press release for complete details.

"Friday, November 11, 2016 (NEW)" Piety Hill Daughters of the American Revolution and the City of Birmingham will observe Veteran's Day on November 11 at 11 am in Shain Park in Birmingham. The speaker will be Jim Hess, Vietnam veteran and designer of the Great Lakes National Cemetery. There will be a bugler, a bagpiper, and two vocalists. All veterans will be recognized and are invited to nearby Baldwin Library for refreshments after the ceremony. For more information call Barbara Suhay at 248-642-8514 or Jan Stafford at 248-647-2476..

"Friday, November 11, 2016" See attached for a pretty comprehensive listing of where you can get a free, or greatly discounted, meal on Veterans Day. Thanks to Mark Meadows for this item

"Friday, November 11, 2016" Stahl's, An American Auto Experience, is opening up the Museum to veterans and the general public for free, located at 56516 North Bay Rd, Chesterfield Twp, from 10AM till 5PM. See over 100 vintage vehicles. For complete info see flyer.

"Friday, November 11, 2016" MPVA Salute to Veterans, 6:00 PM to 9:00 PM, at The Suburban Collection Showplace, 46100 Grand River Ave. Novi, MI 48375. The Michigan Paralyzed Veterans of America (MPVA) would like to announce that Navy (Ret.) Captain James Redford, Michigan Veterans Affairs Agency (MVAA) Director, will be joining us as our Keynote Speaker at our November 11, 2016 Salute to Veterans Gala. James Robert Redford was appointed interim director of the Michigan Veterans Affairs Agency by Gov. Rick Snyder on Feb. 19, 2016 and director on April 27, 2016. Tickets are only $75 and sponsorships vary! You can download the event brochure for further details byclicking here! See flyer for more info.

"Friday, November 11, 2016" The Detroit Public Schools Academy of Military Sciences & the Elmwood Historical Foundation are honoring the veterans of the 102nd US Colored & Native American Troops of the Civil War at the Elmwood Cemetery, 1200 Elmwood, Detroit, starting at 9:30AM. For more info see flyer.

"Friday, November 11, 2016" Titan Basketball WANTS YOU if you are a veteran on Friday, November 11, as the high-flying Titans host Adrian in a 7 pm game at Historic Callahan Hall on the campus of University Of Detroit Mercy. Officially, it is being called Military Appreciation Day and all veterans with proper ID can purchase tickets in advance or on gameday and receive one free ticket and an additional ticket for a friend or family member. Others in the group will be able to purchase tickets for half price. Titan Basketball has "joined forces" with the Michigan Veterans Foundation and Executive Director Tyrone Chatman says, "It is an honor to participate in this great event, and we will be bussing in at least one hundred of our finest veterans to enjoy a good ballgame. We are also happy to be providing a colorful honor guard and one of our vets will also be singing the National Anthem." For tickets, please visit the Calihan Hall Ticket Office (opened 9-5, M-F), call 313-993-1700 or visit detroittitans.com/tix. Callahan Hall is located on the campus of University Of Detroit Mercy at 4001 W. McNichols and Livernois.

"Saturday, November 12, 2016" The Tuskegee Airmen, Inc, Macon-Thomas Chapter, is hosting their annual black tie anniversary dinner & formal gala at the Roostertail, 100 Marquette Dr, Detroit, starting at 6PM. Tickets are $75. For more info and tickets contact Bill at 248-242-6293 or see flyer.

"Tuesday, November 15, 2016" Dounut Dolly (Vietnam Red Cross Volunteer) will be having a review of her book at Ottawa Chapter NSDAR of Port Huron Area Vietnam War Commemoration to Honor Vietnam Veterans & Families Participation and Book Signing Vietnam Veteran Honor Ceremony Public welcome. Time: 12:30 A.M – 2:30 P.M. Location: Dorsey House, Site of Historic Stage Coach Inn c. 1840s 6008 Beard Rd. Clyde, MI 48049 810-385-9773 www.thedorseyhouse.com Seating Reservation Deadline October 31, 2016 Contact: ottawadar@gmail.com For reservations or information

"Tuesday, November 15, 2016 (NEW)" The Detroit Red Wings Military Appreciation Day will start at 9:30AM with watching the Red Wings during their morning skate practice.  A free lunch will then be provided by Applebee's.  This is a free event for all vets.  To RSVP contact Laura LeBlanc via email with a phone number you can be contacted at.  For more info see flyer.

"Wednesday, November 16, 2016 (NEW)" U of D - Mercy is hosting a Child Support Modification Wayne County Legal Clinic from 8:30AM till 11AM at SS Peter & Paul Jesuit Church, 438 St. Antoine St, Detroit.  Register at 313-596-9409.  For more info and where to park see flyer.

"Wednesday, November 16, 2016 (NEW)" Level One Bank is offering another in their monthly series on assisting veterans operating their own business.  Starts at 11:30 and runs till 1PM, with a free lunch.  Location of 37100 Woodward, Bloomfield Twp.  Register in advance to Randy at 248-930-6420.  See flyer for more info.

"Thursday, November 17, 2016" The Desert Angles are hosting a Packing Party for the troops at the Oakland County Sportsman Club 4770 Waterford Road Clarkston, Mi., from 4 till 6PM. For the troops they are looking for: wipes - personal care - foot powder - socks - cans of pasta, tuna, chicken, fruit, refried beans, etc. - single serving meals - jerky - nuts - dried fruit - "pocket foods (anything that will fit into a packet to take out on missions) powdered drink mix - coffee - tea - energy bars - protien bars - sunflower seeds - ready to eat meals - Raymon noodles - crackers - granola bars - breakfast bars - Things to make them smile - a letter from YOU - nerf balls. And for K-9's they are looking for: waterless shampoo large Kong's (which are toys) paw & nose salve K-9 ear cleaner K-9 eye drops large rope chews collapsible food and water bowls . And if you want to send money to help cover the $15 shipping costs of a package you can send a check to: Desert Angels, Inc. PO Box 210455 Auburn Hills, Mi. 48321.

"Thursday, November 17, 2016" Doubletree Hotel Hilton is hosting their annual free veteran Thanksgiving brunch from 11AM till 2PM, 5801 Southfield Rd, Detroit. You must reserve your place by emailing Mimi by 11/11. For more info see flyer.

"Thursday, November 17, 2016 (NEW)" The Desert Angles are hosting a Packing Party for the troops at the Hyatt Elementary School, 325 Stan Eaton Dr, Linden, from 6:30 to 8:30PM. For the troops they are looking for: wipes - personal care - foot powder - socks - cans of pasta, tuna, chicken, fruit, refried beans, etc. - single serving meals - jerky - nuts - dried fruit - "pocket foods (anything that will fit into a packet to take out on missions) powdered drink mix - coffee - tea - energy bars - protien bars - sunflower seeds - ready to eat meals - Raymon noodles - crackers - granola bars - breakfast bars - Things to make them smile - a letter from YOU - nerf balls. And for K-9's they are looking for: waterless shampoo large Kong's (which are toys) paw & nose salve K-9 ear cleaner K-9 eye drops large rope chews collapsible food and water bowls . And if you want to send money to help cover the $15 shipping costs of a package you can send a check to: Desert Angels, Inc. PO Box 210455 Auburn Hills, Mi. 48321.

"Saturday, November 19, 2016 (UPDATE) " The 2016 MI Women Veterans Empowerment Conference will take place at the International Institute of Metropolitan Detroit, 111 E Kirby, Detroit from 8AM till 4PM. Theme is The Voice of Women Veterans. To register online visit their website at www.empowermiwomenvets.com. For more info see new flyer.

"Saturday, November 19, 2016 (Save the Date)" The Detroit Red Wings Alumni Association will be playing the Michigan Warriors, 5:30PM, at the USA Hockey Arena in Plymouth. Right now they are accepting ads for the game program. If interested see flyer.

--   Tim Wirkus  USAF 66-70  VFW 2645  Life Member  VVA 154 Life Member  DAV 19 Life Member  AM Legion 328 Member  Sfd Vet Commission Member


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