Thank You Isn't Enough -Warrior Hockey

Thank you friends, family, fans, and supporters of the Warriors!
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Thank You Isn't Enough

We here at the Michigan Warriors know what the words 'family' and 'community' mean.  It means giving back to those who give so much to us.  It means welcoming new Disabled Veterans and their spouses and children into our program every single week.  And most importantly, it means working each day to ensure our program continues to grow and we keep our Veterans on the ice.

#GivingTuesday is upon us, and we know your inboxes are being flooded by every organization out there.  We won't try to jump on the bandwagon of asking you for year-end giving, however we will ask you to take two and a half minutes out of your day to watch our new video, created through our partnership with Metro Detroit Chevy Dealers and CBS EcoMedia.  This video embodies our mission, our members, and what we accomplishing every single week on the ice.

When you watch this video, keep in the back of your mind that this program was started by Disabled Veterans right here in Detroit.  Keep in the back of your mind that this program is run by Disabled Veterans and the spouses of our Vets.  And lastly, keep in the back of your mind that if you cannot financially support the Michigan Warriors, a simple share of this video to your friends, family, and coworkers is invaluable to our organization.

Thank you from all of us at the Michigan Warriors Hockey Program!

Copyright © *2016* *Michigan Warriors Hockey Program*, All rights reserved.
*A 501(c)(3) Tax-Exempt Organization: EIN 47-3199740 *

Our mailing address is:
Michigan Warriors Hockey Program
11800 Merriman Road, Unit 51776
Livonia, MI 48151

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Michigan Warriors Hockey Program · 11600 Merriman Rd · Livonia, MI 48154 · USA

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