Rep. Leonard to host Vietnam veteran commemorative event Pinning ceremony will take place in the Speaker’s Library on November 28th.

Rep. Leonard to host Vietnam veteran commemorative event
Pinning ceremony will take place in the Speaker’s Library on November 28th.

State Rep. Tom Leonard, along with Senate Majority Floor Leader Mike Kowall and Senator Rick Jones, are hosting a Vietnam veteran commemorative lapel pinning ceremony at the Capitol on Monday, November 28, 2016, in recognition of the 50th anniversary of the war.
            “The commemoration honors all Vietnam veterans, regardless of the location, and in what capacity,” said Rep. Leonard, R-DeWitt. “The vast majority of these veterans served their country honorably, but they weren’t treated with the respect they deserved when they arrived home.
            “This is why I, along with the help of Senators Kowall and Jones, am organizing this event. I believe these men and women deserve our thanks and admiration, and I hope this ceremony reflects that.” The formal ceremony will begin at 1:00 p.m. at the Michigan State Capitol Building located at 100 North Capitol Avenue, Lansing, MI  48933.  The ceremony will take place in the Speaker’s Library on the 2ndfloor of the Capitol Building in the west wing.  
            “We owe a great debt to the men and women who served our country honorably during the Vietnam War, yet were often forgotten when they returned home,” said Jones, R-Grand Ledge. “It is truly an honor to participate in this ceremony as we offer Vietnam War era veterans and their families the long-overdue recognition that they earned serving America in defense of freedom.”
The lapel pins are a way for the nation to recognize each Vietnam veteran for their bravery and sacrifice. United States veterans who served on active duty in the U.S. Armed Forces at any time during the period of November 1, 1955 to May 15, 1975 are eligible to receive their pins.
“Michigan’s Vietnam veterans, whether drafted or enlisted, served our country with honor,” said Kowall, R-White Lake. “This lapel pinning ceremony is a way to thank and honor veterans of the Vietnam War era and their families for their service and sacrifice on behalf of a grateful nation and the Michigan Legislature.” Senator Kowall is a member of the commemorative partner program and has played a role in hosting several of these special events throughout the state.
            Vietnam veterans can locate upcoming commemorative events by visiting Questions about the event and/or RSVPs can be directed to Rep. Leonard’s office by calling 517-373-1778 or emailing or to Senate Majority Floor Leader Kowall’s office by calling 517-373-0563

Ian Carry
House Republican Communications


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