REMINDER: Million Party Training Feb 4th; Important Legislation Update

MiCGA Training November 6, 2015 in Lansing, MI

MiCGA's next Millionaire Party training will be on Thursday, February 4, 2016, from 12:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.

Rosemack Bingo, 20791 East 13 Mile Road, Roseville, MI 48066

Come join MiCGA Representatives and room operators as we discuss millionaire party rules, bingo and raffles!  Also receive the latest on legislative action.

Register below or by email to or by phone 517.253.0897.

Anderson House Office Bldg., downtown Lansing

SB 187 has already been referred to the House Committee on Regulatory Reform, and will be before the committee on Wednesday, February 10, 2015, 12:00 p.m., Room 519, House Office Building, Lansing, Michigan.  This is a huge victory for charities, and its passage by the House can signal some peace and clarity as it relates to MGCB's currently onerous rules.

STEP 1:  Please contact your own Representative (find your representative here), to ask for support.

STEP 2:  Contact Members of the House Regulatory Reform Committee, who can be found  here, to ask for support.

STEP 3:  Contact the following House members:

Rep. Ray Franz (R-Onekama) (Chair, House Regulatory Reform Committee)

Rep. Tom Barrett (R-Potterville)(bill sponsor)

Rep. Kevin Cotter (R-Mt. Pleasant) (Speaker of the House)

 Rep. Aric Nesbitt (R-Lawton) (Majority Floor Leader)

STEP 4:  Plan to attend the Regulatory Reform Committee hearing on Feb, 10th @ 12:00 p.m.

The committee is expecting testimony on this bill.

Please contact MiCGA asap if you are interested in attending and/or speaking on behalf of your organization and its support of SB 187, so we can help provide you with some talking points!  

We are looking to pack the room with charities! 

SB 187
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Michigan Charitable Gaming Association | 410 South Cedar | Suite A | Lansing | MI | 48912


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