#Veteran Events & Announcements 10/8/2015 to 10/22/2015

Listed below are the events I have for the next 14 days here in the Metro Detroit area, of which there are many! Things are picking up since this event listing which has 20 new items! You can also go to the Legion 328 website to download any flyer for these future events.?? http://www.legionpost328.org/events.html?? Clicking on "attached flyer" for each event either below or on the future listing will get you the flyer for that event.

You can get a monthly view of events by going to:

You can also find many other veteran events & information for Veterans on the State of MI Veterans website & Detroit Public Televisions' new Veterans website:


"Metro Airport Freedom Center Needs Volunteers" Freedom Center military lounge at Detroit Metro Airport is looking for 50 - 75 new volunteers. The new volunteers will primarily staff the Freedom Center facility that will be opening at the North Terminal before the end of the year, however we also still need a few volunteers to work at the flagship Freedom Center at the McNamara Terminal. Volunteer duties include (but are not limited to), greeting guests, general light cleaning, stocking of snacks and beverages, logging donations, and assisting guests with questions and needs. Please visit our website at www.mifreedomcenter.org to find out more about volunteering at the Freedom Center, and to download an application.
"October 2015 Buddy-2-Buddy Job Fair Listing" This listing is compiled by the Buddy-2-Buddy network, not hosted by them. The list can be obtained here!
"Friday, October 16, 2015" The American Indian Veterans of Michigan is hosting a Karaoke Night at their center, 26641 Lawrence, Center Line, from 7 till 11PM. Admission is $5 and includes frybread, soft drinks, etc. For more info call Chris at 248-210-6153 or see flyer.
"Saturday, October 17, 2015 (NEW)" The Genesee Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution is hosting a 50th anniversary of the Vietnam war with apple pie & ice cream, and with guest speaker Joann Puffer (Donut Dolly). The event will be held at the Swartz Creek Church of the Nazarene, 7154 S Morrish Rd, Swartz Creek. This is a free event.
"Saturday, October 17, 2015 (NEW)"The Southfield VFW Post 2645 is having a Chili Cook Off, 24222 W Nine Mile, Southfield, from 5 till 8PM. Cost is $5 per person and includes a number of items, like salad, desert, rolls, coffee, tea, etc.
"Thursday, October 22, 2015 (NEW)" Michigan Works, 304 Harriet St, Ypsilanti, will be hosting a HIre MI Vet Prep Day from 10AM till 2PM. Resume preparation, mock interviewing, haircut vouchers, bus tokens, etc. This is a free event for vets & family members. You may register in advance at their official website.
"Thursday, October 22, 2015 (UPDATE)" The Detroit Metro Airport Freedom Center, that has now served over 200,000 veterans and troop, will be hosting its annual gala at the DCAS/Automation Alley, 7205 Sterling Ponds, in Sterling Hgts., from 7 till 10PM. Master of Ceremonies will be Chuck Gadica. Tickets are $50 per person & must be ordered in advance from the Freedom Center website. For more info see flyer.
And from our friends at the VFW:

  1. October 8th, Thursday 6:00 p.m. – Old Settlers VFW 4659 Shelby Twp. – "EUCHRE".  Doors open at 6:00 p.m. Play starts at 7:00 p.m.  Hamburgers, Hot Dogs, Coney Dogs, French Fries and Chili available.  Post 4659 is located at 8311 Wilson in Shelby Twp.  48316.  Phone (586) 781-9109.
  1. October 9th, Friday 5:30 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. – VFW 1370 Pontiac – "Burger's- $4 w/ fries $5, Devil Dog- $3 w/ fries $4; bacon wrapped "Koegel" hot dog, beans, fresco cheese, and all the fixings including devil sauce, VFW 1370 1st Annual Boot camp Burrito Challenge."  VFW 1370 is located at 791 Mae Court in Pontiac 48340.  Phone (248) 858-9501.
  1. October 9th, Friday 8:00 p.m. to 12:00 Midnight. – VFW 1669 Royal Oak – "KARAOKE IN THE CLUBROOM".  No Cover Charge!  Post 1669 is located at 214 E. Fourth Street in Downtown Royal Oak.  Just 2 blocks East of Downtown Main Street.
  2. October 9th, Friday 8:30 p.m. to 12:30 a.m. – VFW 1146 St. Clair Shores – "KARAOKE IN THE CLUBROOM".  No Cover Charge!  Bruce Post 1146 is located at 28404 Jefferson (N. of 11 Mile Road) in St. Clair Shores.
  1. October 12th, Monday 7:30 p.m. – "OAKLAND COUNTY COUNCIL MEETING" at Post 2645 Southfield.  ALL Oakland Post Commanders should attend or have a desiganated representative.  All Oakland County Post Members are invited to attend.  Post 2645 Southfield is located at 2422 West 9 Mile Road in Southfield 48033.  Just 1 block West of Telegraph.
  1. October 13th, Monday 6:15 p.m. – Bruce Post 1146 St. Clair Shores – "MONDAY BINGO".  Doors Open at 5:00 p.m.  Bingo starts at 6:15 p.m.  OPEN TO THE PUBLIC!  Sponsored by Dad Club #193.  BRUCE POST 1146 is located at 28404 Jefferson Avenue in St. Clair Shores.  Just North of 11 Mile Road.
  1. October 13th, Tuesday – "U. S. NAVY Established 1775".  HAPPY BIRTHDAY U.S. NAVY!
--   Tim Wirkus  USAF 66-70  VFW 2645  Life Member  VVA 154 Life Member  DAV 19 Life Member  AM Legion 328 Member  Sfd Vet Commission Member


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