#Veteran Events & Announcements 10/22 to 11/5

Listed below are the events I have for the next 14 days here in the Metro Detroit area, of which there are many! Things are picking up since this event listing which has 8 new items! You can also go to the Legion 328 website to download any flyer for these future events.?? http://www.legionpost328.org/events.html?? 

You can get a monthly view of events by going to:

You can also find many other veteran events & information for Veterans on the State of MI Veterans website & Detroit Public Televisions' new Veterans website:

"Veterans Federal Benefits App for Smart Phones" Defense Mobile has just released apps for smart phones where you can see what is the latest news from the VA, what your benefits are, where to apply, and even many of the forms! A bit lacking on state benefits, but they tell me they are working on including those in the near future, but it does have several handy phone numbers for MI Vets. For iPhones use this link. For Android phones use this link. Get the app and see if you are missing anything!
"Brave Hearts Estate Center for Veterans" You might have caught a bit of news on this in the Sunday Free Press. This center, located in Pelson, assists in rehabilitating of wounded veterans through hunting, fishing, camping, and other activities. It is free! This is operated by Operation Injured Soldiers. Located at 4171 Ely Rd, Pellston. Call 231-539-7111 for more info or see their Facebook page.
"October 2015 Buddy-2-Buddy Job Fair Listing" This listing is compiled by the Buddy-2-Buddy network, not hosted by them. The list can be obtained here!
"Thursday, October 22, 2015" Michigan Works, 304 Harriet St, Ypsilanti, will be hosting a Hire MI Vet Prep Day from 10AM till 2PM. Resume preparation, mock interviewing, haircut vouchers, bus tokens, etc. This is a free event for vets & family members. You may register in advance at their official website.
"Thursday, October 22, 2015 (UPDATE)" The Detroit Metro Airport Freedom Center, that has now served over 200,000 veterans and troop, will be hosting its annual gala at the DCAS/Automation Alley, 7205 Sterling Ponds, in Sterling Hgts., from 7 till 10PM. Master of Ceremonies will be Chuck Gadica. Tickets are $50 per person & must be ordered in advance from the Freedom Center website. For more info see flyer.
"Friday, October 23, 2015" Ford Motor Romeo Engine Plant & UAW Local for the plant are hosting the Wounded Warriors Family Support with a dinner & entertainment at the Mirage, 16980 18 Mile, Clinton Twp, from 6 to 11 PM. Cost is $50 per person. For more info contact Lenny at 586-453-3022 or seeattached flyer.
"Friday & Saturday, October 23 & 24, 2015" Vets Return Home is hosting an Halloween Hayride Pumpkin Hunt at Caroline House Farm, 1755 E Newark Rd, Lapeer. Festivities kick off at 3PM, ending at 8PM. Donation of $10 but veterans and their families are free. Apple cider & donuts provided. All proceeds benefit Vets Returning Home homeless shelter. For more info see the flyer.
"Saturday, October 24, 2015" The Yankee Air Museum, Willow Run Airport, Hangar 1, 801 Kirk Profit Dr, is hosting a chance to break the worlds record on the number of Rosie the Riveters at one time! Doors open at 10AM, registration at 1PM, photo at 2PM. All ladies are invited to attend wearing red/white polka dot bandana, work clothes, etc. See attached flyer for more info.
"Saturday, October 24, 2015" An Agent Orange Town Hall seminar will take place at Christ the King Community Church, 1550 W Drahner Rd, Oxford, starting at Noon. A number of speakers will be present to answer questions. This seminar is sponsored by VVA Chapter 133. This is a free event for all veterans and their families. For more info see flyer.
"Monday, October 26, 2015 (NEW)" Vietnam Veterans of America Chapter 154 is having a fund raiser at the Green Lantern Restaurant, 15505 15 Mile, Clinton Twp, from 4 till 9PM. 10% of all proceeds go to the VVA to help veterans in need. You must bring the attached flyer for the VVA to get credit.
"Friday & Saturday, October 30 & 31, 2015" Vets Return Home is hosting an Halloween Hayride Pumpkin Hunt at Caroline House Farm, 1755 E NEwark Rd, Lapeer. Festivities kick off at 3PM, ending at 8PM. Donation of $10 but veterans and their families are free. Apple cider & donuts provided. All proceeds benefit Vets Returning Home homeless shelter. For more info see the flyer.
"Sunday, November 1, 2015" The Student Veterans Association (SVA) at U of M Ann Arbor is hosting a free Wheelchair basketball game at the Crisler Center, Ann Arbor, with doors opening at 2PM. This free event will have a team of Army-Air Force vs a team of Navy-Marines. The U of M Dance Team, Cheer Team, and the 338th Army Band will also be there. All are welcome.
"Sunday, November 1, 2015" The Association of Women Vets will be hosting a Female Vet Stand Down, titled Dress for Success! There will be clothes, benefit seminars, resources, speakers, & a free lunch. For more info see attached flyer. To register early for the event visit their official website.
"Sunday, November 1, 2015 (NEW)" Dearborn American Legion Post 364, 3001 S Telegraph, Dearborn, is having an NFL Football Game Commander's Breakfast starting at 8AM. Have breakfast and watch the Lions game from England that starts at 8:30AM. Donation of $5 requested to help homeless vets. For more info see flyer.
"Tuesday, November 3, 2015 (UPDATE)" VetBizCentral will be hosting its 10th annual VET Conference at the Crowne Plaza Hotel in Lansing. Keynote speaker will be Sid Taylor, CEO of SET Enterprises. For complete information on this conference and to register to attend visit their website. For other info see attached flyer.
"Tuesday, November 3, 2015" Michigan Works, the Ann Arbor VA Hospital & Washtenaw Community College, are teaming up to host a Veterans Hiring event for veterans & their families. The event will be held at the Washtenaw Community College, Morris Lawrence Bldg, 4800 E Huron River Dr, Ann Arbor, from 10AM till 1PM. For more info see their flyer.
And from our friends at the VFW:

  1. October 22nd, Thursday 6:00 p.m. – Old Settlers VFW 4659 Shelby Twp. – "EUCHRE".  Doors open at 6:00 p.m. Play starts at 7:00 p.m.  Hamburgers, Hot Dogs, Coney Dogs, French Fries and Chili available.  Post 4659 is located at 8311 Wilson in Shelby Twp.  48316.  Phone (586) 781-9109.
  1. October 23rd, Friday 5:30 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. – VFW 1370 Pontiac – "Burger's- $4 w/ fries $5, Devil Dog- $3 w/ fries $4; bacon wrapped "Koegel" hot dog, beans, fresco cheese, and all the fixings including devil sauce, VFW 1370 is located at 791 Mae Court in Pontiac 48340.  Phone (248) 858-9501.
  1. October 24th, Saturday 7:30 p.m. to 12:30 a.m. – Bruce Post 1146 St. Clair Shores – "HALLOWEEN COSTUME PARTY".  1st, 2nd & 3rd Best Costume Prizes.  $20 per person includes food & beverage.  Bruce Post 1146 is located at 28404 Jefferson Avenue in St. Clair Shores.  Just North of 11 Mile Road.
--   Tim Wirkus  USAF 66-70  VFW 2645  Life Member  VVA 154 Life Member  DAV 19 Life Member  AM Legion 328 Member  Sfd Vet Commission Member


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