#Veteran Events & Announcements 7/23 to 8/6

Listed below are the events I have for the next 14 days here in the Metro Detroit area, of which there are many! Things are picking up since this event listing which has 7 new items! You can also go to the Legion 328 website to download any flyer for these future events.  http://www.legionpost328.org/events.html  

You can get a monthly view of events by going to:

You can also find many other veteran events & information for Veterans on the State of MI Veterans website & Detroit Public Televisions' new Veterans website:


"Metro Airport Freedom Center Needs Volunteers" Freedom Center military lounge at Detroit Metro Airport is looking for 50 - 75 new volunteers. The new volunteers will primarily staff the Freedom Center facility that will be opening at the North Terminal before the end of the year, however we also still need a few volunteers to work at the flagship Freedom Center at the McNamara Terminal. Volunteer duties include (but are not limited to), greeting guests, general light cleaning, stocking of snacks and beverages, logging donations, and assisting guests with questions and needs. Please visit our website at www.mifreedomcenter.org to find out more about volunteering at the Freedom Center, and to download an application.

"B2B July Job Fairs" See attached item for all the job fairs in MI compiled by Buddy2Buddy for July.

"Attn: Macomb County Vets" Laura Rios, Macomb County Vet Services, is revisiting the Transportation to Detroit VA Medical Center. She need volunteer drivers. Please ask your interested veterans if they would like to volunteer and drive a van one day a week. Please have your interested veterans call Bill Browning at 313-576-3332. He is in charge of all the training the volunteer drivers.


"Saturday, July 25, 2015" The Top Gun Shooting Sports Center is hosting a fund raiser for the Metro Airport Freedom Center at their facility, 22050 Pennsylvania Rd, Taylor, from 10AM till 4PM. Raffle for a Smith & Weston 9mm Shield, plus other items, top gun gift certificates, events and activities, children games, etc. For more info contact them at 734-282-8470.

"Saturday, July 25, 2015 (NEW)" The Pine Grove Historical Museum & Blue Star Museum are hosting an Ice Cream Social from 11AM till 5PM, located at 405 Cesar Historical Ave, Pontiac. Civil War cannon fired, exhibits, etc. Admission is $5 per person. For more info see flyer.

"Sunday, July 26, 2015" The Dove Fund, which builds schools, hospitals, etc., in Vietnam, mostly with Vietnam Veterans, is hosting their annual Detroit Fund-raiser at the Meadowbrook Country Club, 40941 8 Mile, Northville, from 6 to 8PM. Slide shows of their most recent projects in Vietnam, entertainment, refreshments, etc. Advance registration is required on their website. For more info see the attached flyer.

"Monday, July 27, 2015" Oakland County is hosting a Veteran's Resource Fair from 10AM till 3PM at the Oakland County Executive Conference Center, 2100 Pontiac Lake Road, Pontiac. Open to all veterans and their families. For complete listing of items see flyer.

"Wednesday, July 29, 2015 (NEW)" Army Source One is hosting a free Web Event on "Serving Our Rural Vets: Barriers, Challenges & Needs" from 2 till 3PM on July 29th. To register for this event go to their official website.

"Friday, July 31, 2015" The Michigan Military Technical & Historical Society is hosting their 3rd annual Museum Car Show at thier HQ, located at 16600 Stephens, Eastpointe, from 4 to 8PM. For more info see flyer.

"Sunday, August 2, 2015" White Chapel Memorial Park Cemetery is hosting its 67th annual Gold Star Mothers day to celebrate the end of World War II. Cemetery is located at 621 W Long Lake Rd, Troy, with ceremony from Noon to 2PM. For more info email Norman or see flyer.

"Wednesday, August 5, 2015" Our Savior Lutheran Church, 1501 N Saginaw Rd, Midland, is hosting its 5th annual Summer Charity Cruise In from 5 till 9PM. All proceeds will go to the Fallen & Wounded Soldiers Fund. Suggested entry is $4. For more info call 989-832-3667 or see flyer.

"Wednesday, August 5, 2015" The Yankee Air Museum is hosting another in their free series on WWII. This month the topic is how Detroit became the Arsenal of Democracy, by Gregory Summer. This is a free event at Willow Run in the General Purpose Room of the Museum, starting at 7:30PM.

Oops, nothing from the VFW!
--   Tim Wirkus  Volunteer  Southfield Veterans' Commission  southfieldvets@prodigy.net  www.southfieldvets.org


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