Statement by American Legion National Commander Michael D. Helm on House Agreement to Continue Denver VA Construction

Statement by American Legion National Commander Michael D. Helm on House Agreement to Continue Denver VA Construction:
 INDIANAPOLIS (May 21,2015) -   "While I agree with VA Secretary Bob McDonald that the cost overruns and construction delays that have plagued the Denver Replacement Medical Center in Aurora are inexcusable, I am glad to see that the House is not compounding the fiasco by allowing yet another construction delay. Veterans there have waited far too long already to get the facility that they deserve.
It is time to move forward.  The House deserves credit for passing a measure today that will allow work to continue for the next few weeks. We call on the Senate to act in kind. Most importantly, lawmakers and the VA need to come to reach a long-term agreement so that the problems of the past do not resurface. The American Legion has a simple message for both the Department of Veterans Affairs and the U.S. Congress: Do your job."
John Raughter
Media & Communications, National Headquarters
Phone 317.630.1253 ::  Fax 317.630.1368


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