#Veteran Events & Announcements 4/23 to 5/7

Listed below are the events I have for the next 14 days here in the Metro Detroit area, of which there are many! Things are picking up since this event listing which has 3 new items.  You can also go to the Legion 328 website to download any flyer for these future events.  http://www.legionpost328.org/events.html  

You can get a monthly view of events by going to:

You can also find many other veteran events & information for Veterans on the State of MI Veterans website & Detroit Public Televisions' new Veterans website:


"Rand Corporation Veteran Study" Starting the week of May 26th the Rand corporation is conducting studies on the National Guard/Reserves and on Veterans in general. You will be paid $25 to participate in these studies, plus food & beverages. For more information on these studies see flyers (National Guard) (Veterans) or call 800-722-4780, ext 5404.

"40th Anniversary of Fall of Saigon" Detroit Public Television (Channel 56) will be running at 9PM a special on this historic event on Tuesday, April 28th!. There will also be public showing at a number of places in the tri-county area. For information on where these screening will take place visit their website. If you would like to see a trailer of this film you can visit this special website.


"Friday, April 24, 2015" The Michigan Paralyzed Veterans of America is hosting its annual Awareness Day at the Novi Civic Center, 45175 10 Mile, Novi, from 10:30 untill 3:30PM. . This annual event is the MPVA's way of inviting the public to learn more about their organization, and their mission to contribute to the highest quality of life for people with a spinal cord injury or disease. This year, the MPVA is pleased to take this event to the next level through a partnership with the City of Novi! The event will be held at the Novi Civic Center where vendors will be welcomed to display their products and services that assist those living with a disability. Event sponsors have included: accessible vehicles, unique wheelchairs, veterans benefits counseling, inclusive home remodeling, accessible sports equipment, and much more! This event is free to the public! The MPVA guarantees it will be a day you do not want to miss! Light refreshments and beverages will also be served! Those interested becoming a sponsor can contact Jaclyn Kochis, Deputy Executive Director, at (248) 476-9000 ext 06 or at: jkochis@michiganpva.org

"Friday, April 24, 2015" The Fallen & Wounded Soldiers Fund is hosting their 10th annual dinner at the MGM Grand Hotel, Detroit, starting at 5PM. The guest speaker will be Rob O'Neill, former member of Navy Seal Team Six. Tickets are $150 per person. For more info see their Facebook page. To order tickets go to ordering site.

"Friday, April 24, 2015" The University of Phoenix, 2 pm at University of Phoenix Detroit Campus: 26261 Evergreen Rd, Southfield, MI 48076. Military families and veterans are invites to connect with the available resources. Information will include: GI Bill benefits, healthcare resources, family and housing support, financial literacy, educational opportunities, career resources, legal services, and more. Light refreshments will be provided. See attached flyer.

"Friday, Saturday, Sunday, April 24, 25, 26, 201" The Marine Corps League of Monroe County, Detachment 157, is hosting a Wounded Soldiers Fundraiser men's & co-ed softball tournament at Munson Softball Fields, 2625 N Custer, Monroe. Team registration is $250 with an April 10th deadline. All proceeds benefit Monroe County Veterans & their families. For complete information contact Stephen at 734-625-8067 or see flyer.

"Saturday, April 25, 2015" Richmond VFW Post 6802 is hosting its annual Joint Testimonial Golf Outing at The Jewel of Grand Blanc, 5270 Perry Rd, Grand Blanc, with a tee-off if 10AM. Cost is $40 per golfer & includes 18 holes of golf, cart, hot dogs, & chips. For more info contact Scott at 586-651-8228 or see flyer.

"Tuesday, April 28, 2015" Northville High School is hosting a Baseball Challenge for the Armed Forces to raise money for the Metro Airport Freedom Center (where I volunteer). 20% of your food bill will be credited to the fundraiser. This will be all day at Brick's (133 W Main St, Northville, MI 48167) and Northville Sports Den (also at 133 W. Main Street, Northville, MI 48167) You must have the attached flyer for the group to get the money.

"Saturday, May 2, 2015" American Legion Dearborn Post 364 is hosting a Kentucky Derby dinner, music, raffles, etc, at their post, 3001 S Telegraph, Dearborn, starting at 3PM. For more information call them at 313-562-9090 or see flyer.

"Wednesday, May 6, 2015" The Yankee Air Museum is hosting another in their free series about WW II, this time on how art preserves aviation history. Takes place at the museum, Willow Run Airport, 7:30PM, in their General Purpose room. See their website for more information.

And from our friends at the VFW:
  1. April 23rd, Thursday 6:15 p.m. – VFW 4156 White Lake – "BINGO".  VFW 4156 is located at 321 Union Lake Road in White Lake 48386.  Pho.ne 248-698-8302.
  1. April 23rd, Thursday 6:00 p.m. – Old Settlers VFW 4659 Shelby Twp. – "EUCHRE".  Doors open at 6:00 p.m. Play starts at 7:00 p.m.  Hamburgers, Hot Dogs, Coney Dogs, French Fries and Chili available.  Post 4659 is located at 8311 Wilson in Shelby Twp.  48316.  Phone (586) 781-9109.
  1. April 24th, Friday 4:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. – VFW 6802 Richmond – "ALL YOU CAN EAT FISH FRY DINNER".  NEW PRICES! Adults are $10.  Children 5-12 $5.  Children 4 and Under Free.  Carry Outs available.  OPEN TO THE PUBLIC!  VFW 6802 is located at 34339 32 Mile Road in Richmond 48062.  Phone (586) 727-1436.
8.      April 24th, Friday 5:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. – VFW 1669 Royal Oak – "BURGER & FRIES for $5.50".  Happy Hour from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m.  OPEN TO THE PUBLIC!  Tell your Family & Friends.  Post 1669 is located at 214 E. 4th Street in Downtown Royal Oak, just 2 blocks East of Main Street.  Phone (248) 541-9846.
  1. April 24th, Friday 5:30 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. – VFW 1370 Pontiac – "Burger's- $4 w/ fries $5, Devil Dog- $3 w/ fries $4; bacon wrapped "Koegel" hot dog, beans, fresco cheese, and all the fixings including devil sauce, VFW 1370 is located at 791 Mae Court in Pontiac 48340.  Phone (248) 858-9501.
10.  April 24th, Friday 9:00 p.m. to 1:00 a.m. – VFW 1669 Royal Oak – "KARAOKE IN THE CLUBROOM".  Post 1669 is located at 214 E. 4th Street in Downtown Royal Oak, just 2 blocks East of Main Street.  Phone (248) 541-9846.
11.  April 25th, Saturday 10:00 a.m. – "JOINT TESTIMONIAL GOLF OUTING at The Jewel of Grand Blanc".  $40 per golfer.  $160 per team.  18 holes of Golf with a Cart.  Hot Dog & Chips at the turn.  Contact Scott Hoag at (586) 651-8228 or (586) 727-1436.   The Jewel of Grand Blanc is located at 5270 Perry Road in Grand Blanc 48439.  Phone (810) 694-5960.
12.  April 25th, Saturday 5:00 p.m. – "JOINT TESTIMONIAL BANQUET for STATE COMMANDER HARRY "LES" CROYLE & STATE PRESIDENT ALICE "CANDY" BEATTY at Gateway Holiday Inn located at 5353 Gateway Circle in Flint, MI 48507.   Social Hour from 5:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. with Cash Bar.  Banquet at 6:00 p.m.  Banquet will be Open Seating.  BUSINESS CASUAL.  NO JEANS!  Deadline for Ordering Banquet Tickets was April 10, 2015.  Pick up Dinner Tickets at the Door.
  1. April 26th, Sunday 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. – VFW 6802 Richmond – "MEAT BINGO".  The Last Sunday of each month.  Have a Fun Evening of playing a Quick New Game and a Chance to Win Some Meat!  Snack Food/Beverages available to donation.  "OPEN TO THE PUBLIC".  So Invite your Family & Friends.  Post 6802 is located at 34339 32 Mile Road in Richmond 48062.  Phone (586) 727-1436.
--   Tim Wirkus  Volunteer  Southfield Veterans' Commission  southfieldvets@prodigy.net  www.southfieldvets.org


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