Wreaths Across America/removal - Saturday, January 24th, beginning at 10 AM
On Saturday, December 13, 2014, an estimated 2,500 participants placed 11,000 + wreaths on Veterans graves at Great Lakes National Cemetery in Holly. There were three (3) semis fully loaded with the wreaths.
Scroll down in the article by Sharon Longman in the Oakland Press,from 12/28/14, to see the story (link shown below).
The wreaths are scheduled to be removed on SATURDAY, JANUARY 24th, BEGINNING AT 10AM.
Any and all assistance will be greatly appreciated.
This message is being "blind copied to all my Veteran contacts, friends, family, and media contacts to "spread the word".
I'm hoping to get the C & G newspapers to get an article in all of the community newspapers in the Metro area. Sharon Longman of the Oakland Press, and Linda May of the Macomb Daily have always helped, in getting the word out, in print. I'm also copying some contacts in the major Detroit TV/newspaper media, to see about some coverage.
On a personal note - "Spreading the word" helps: This is not to toot my own horn, or hurt my arm by patting myself on the back, but to point out that it does work, and encourage everyone that gets this message to pass it around....
1. A family from my church came for the first time; Ed's father, a WW II Vet had passed away earlier in the year. He was unaware of WAA - Fifteen family members came, and sponsored five wreaths. The employer of one of the family members donated $200.00 toward WAA........
2. My son, and his wife, who live in Clarkston, had posted the event on their his Facebook page. Friends of theirs who live in Lewiston, Idaho (retired Military) are going to start a WAA program there, locally.
3. The sister of my Shipmate for whom I sponsor a wreath, sent me a donation of $100.00, after I had made her aware of what I do. The donation has already been made to WAA for 2015.
See you on Saturday, January 24th, 10 AM......
John Williams, United States Navy, 1958-64 - ETR2 - USS Newport News CA148, 1959-1962Trustee, Metropolitan Detroit Veterans Coalition
American Legion Post # 253, Royal Oak MI
Disabled American Veterans Chapter 19, South Oakland County
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