CONGRATULATIONS!!-Message from Central Region National Vice Commnader

To all the Commanders, NEC Men and Adjutants of the Central Region,


I thank and applaud all of you for the hard work and effort, you and your Departments have put forth in reaching the "First Three Target Dates."  Please express my appreciation to your membership and retention teams for all they have accomplished.  As of the membership report for November 14, 2014, each of you have surpassed the 65% target for that date.  "THAT'S THE GOOD NEWS!!!!!  




The only Department of the Central Region, "AHEAD" in membership as of the same date last year, is Michigan and I really thank you for that effort.


The other eight Departments are a total of 13,480 members behind the same date last year.  I urge all of you to increase your efforts over the next 26 days (the next target is 75% on December 10, 2014) and focus your attention on beating that goal and matching or beating your last years membership numbers, on the same date.


This is the time of year when it becomes even harder to get membership, so work "smarter and use all the resources that are at your disposal."  REMEMBER  -- JUST ASK  -- THEN  -- FOLLOW UP!


Thank you for all you do for the American Legion, the veterans and your communities.  Your efforts are truly appreciated by many.


Still Serving,



Bill Bryant, Nat. Vice Cmdr.




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