Michigan Women’s Commission to Survey Female Veterans

Michigan Women's Commission to Survey Female Veterans

Findings Will Help Policy Makers Develop and Deliver Targeted Services to Michigan's Women Veterans


Detroit – The Michigan Women's Commission today announced a plan to survey women veterans living in Michigan to better understand their needs and the challenges they face.

The survey will include questions on women veterans' military service, health status, and use of various veterans' services.  The data, which will be collected anonymously to ensure participants' confidentiality, will be shared with policymakers so they can better meet the needs of Michigan women who've served in the military. 

Michigan is home to more than 50,000 women veterans.

"Many Michigan women may not think of themselves as veterans because they may not have served during wartime or in combat-specific roles," said Susy Avery, Executive Director of the Michigan Women's Commission.  "But if a Michigan woman served in the military, she is a veteran and we'd like to hear from her."

Michigan women veterans can access and complete the survey electronically at the following website: https://www.research.net/s/Michiganwomenveteranssurvey.

Survey results will be tabulated in early 2015 and the Commission plans to publish a report detailing the results in the spring of next year.

Women veterans are one of the Commission's three priority areas; the others are human trafficking and women in business.

For a paper copy of the survey, please call 313-456-4702.



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