9th annual Metropolitan Detroit Veterans Day parade - parade route

We have a parade route, using Woodward Avenue., beginning at the Vietnam Veterans of America Chapter 9, at 2951 Woodward Avenue, at Temple S, at 11 AM.
We will go south on Woodward Avenue, to Elizabeth St, and turn left (East) to Witherell St, where we again turn left (North) to the main entrance to Comerica Park, where the parade will end. A Ceremony will take place at 1 PM, in the North parking area in front of Comerica Park. We will be honoring a number of Vietnam Veterans, nominated for the service in Vietnam, as well as their service post-Vietnam and Military life.
The south parking area in front of Comerica Park is for the use of parade participants. It's suggested that those car-pooling to the parade drop off participants at the staging area. Then, drive a vehicle to the Comerica Park lot, and leave the vehicle there,and come back to the staging area. Once the parade/ceremony has ended, the vehicle is there to be used to transport participants away from the area.
There will be parking available on the side streets, along Woodward, near the VVA CH # 9, and the staging area. There will be limited shuttle service back to staging area, after the parad/ceremony.
If you haven't registered for the parade, please do so now.
Go to our website at     www.detroitveteransdayparade.org    and go the Registration tab to locate the Registration Form.
FYI - My "Parade Participants" group e-mail list is "blind copied" to people ranging from U.S. Congressmen to individual WW II Veterans; various VSOs; media (TV/Radio/Newspapers (Metro and local), Cub/Boy/Girl Scouts, Civil Air Patrol, U.S. Navy Sea Cadets, active Military personnel, et al.  Please spread the word and help us make this the best Veterans Day parade we've had.
Please feel free to contact me if you need any further information, by e-mail, or phone, at (248) 569-0824
John Williams, United States Navy, 1958-64 - ETR2 - USS Newport News CA148, 1959-1962
Trustee, Metropolitan Detroit Veterans Coalition
American Legion Post # 253, Royal Oak MI
Disabled American Veterans Chapter 19, South Oakland County


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