Job position Opening from Frito Lay

The Motown North Zone has openings for 1 full-time Route Sales Associate position in the Sterling Heights, Waterford, and Marysville locations.  The online applicant system will be turned on at 9:00 AM Monday, September 15, 2014 and will close once we have 15 applicants for each location.  All applicants must apply on line at  Advise your client group to enter zip code 48313(Sterling Heights), 48328 (Waterford) and Marysville (48040) to access available positions, following the prompts.  Individuals who wish to request a reasonable accommodation will find a link, as well as a phone number on the fritolayemployment website. Further information, job descriptions and process are detailed on the website.   If you have any questions, please contact Kelly Courtley at 586-276-4106.






Kim Hebert

Zone Sales Admin

Frito-Lay Motown North Zone

6600 E. 17 Mile Rd.|Sterling Heights

P (586) 276-4110 |F (586) 276-4130


Mark Sutton
Public Relations Director
The American Legion
Department of Michigan
(517) 371-4720 Ext 16


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