The American Legion Town Hall in Phoenix Tonight at 7 pm (local) - Streamed on Web

Media Advisory
The American Legion Town Hall
Topic: Service at the Department of Veterans Affairs
Tuesday, May 13, 2014
7 pm local time
American Legion Post 41
715 South 2nd Ave
Phoenix, AZ 85003
What: Deeply concerned about reports of fraudulent patient waiting lists, unacceptable wait times, denial of medical services, and a lack of accountability at Veterans Affairs Medical Centers across the country, American Legion National Commander Daniel Dellinger and The American Legion System Worth Saving Task Force have also found cases where patient satisfaction was high and VA was meeting the needs of its population in a professional and ethical manner.
National Commander Dellinger and guest panelists are welcoming interested shareholders (veterans) and their families to share their experiences and concerns at the town hall. Commander Dellinger will take these concerns and experience with him when he testifies before Congress, Thursday, May 15.
Media Contacts: John Raughter, (317) 441-8847, Angel Juarez, (602)738-3860
The town hall will be web-streamed on
Panelists will be available for interviews beginning at 6 pm local time.


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