Revitalizing American Legion Posts in the Lansing area; Veterans Wanted


Revitalizing American Legion Posts in the Lansing area; Veterans Wanted

LANSING (MARCH 7, 2014) – Wartime veterans of Lansing, MI., and surrounding areas, now have a new outlet to interface with, and to serve, the community. The American Legion, the nation’s largest veteran’s organization, is inviting all wartime veterans in the area to join them in revitalizing 4 American Legion posts in the Lansing area.

Officers and staff members of The American Legion Post 178, Post 205, Post 237, Post 460 and Michigan American Legion state headquarters will be in town March 13th, 14th, and 15th             at the following location:

426 Clare
Lansing, MI 48915

A veterans service officer will also be available to assist all area veterans with claims or other veteran related questions on Friday and Saturday March 14th and 15th from 10AM to 4PM. A veteran’s benefits information seminar will be held Saturday March 15th, 2014 from 11AM to 12PM.

In keeping with the tradition of The American Legion, the American Legion officers will focus on community service and assistance to veterans. The scope and nature of the post’s community
service will be determined by its members and inputs from local civic and community officials.

Since its founding in 1919, The American Legion has been a key advocate for veterans’ benefits children & youth, patriotic American values, a strong national defense and quality-of-life issues for those serving in today’s armed forces.

The organization, which created the original draft of the GI Bill, is the leading advocate for a strong veteran’s health care system. Creation of the federal forerunner of the Department of Veterans Affairs as well as the agency’s ascent to cabinet-level status is due in part to The American Legion’s advocacy. The American Legion was also instrumental in the establishment of the veteran’s home loan, veterans hiring preference and just compensation to veterans suffering from illnesses related to their military service, including those whose ailments stem from exposure to Agent Orange and mysterious Persian Gulf origins.

Equally significant are The American Legion’s efforts to instill values in young people through
numerous programs, including American Legion Boys State, American Legion Boys Nation, Junior Shooting Sports, the National High School Oratorical Contest, and American Legion Baseball. The American Legion has supported Scouting since 1919. Many American Legion posts also support Junior ROTC high school units, fund-raising for handicapped children, the Children’s Miracle Network and partnerships with other nonprofit organizations such as Special Olympics.

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Contact Mark Sutton, Public Relations Director, 517-371-4720 ext 16 or email


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