Veteran Events & Announcements 11/21 to 11/28

Happy Thanksgiving to All!

Things are slowing down now!  Listed below are the events I have for the next 7 days here in the Metro Detroit area.  I have also attached my latest event listing which has 4 new items on it!  You can also go to the Legion 328 website to download any flyer for these future events.  Clicking on "attached flyer" for each event either below or on the future listing will get you the flyer for that event.

You can get a monthly view of events by going to:


"Adopt a Vet Family" The last few years the Brain Injury Association has had success with matching up Veteran or Military Service Member families in need of assistance with groups or individuals looking to adopt them for the holidays. The Veteran/Service Member must be willing to provide their contact info, address, names, ages, sexes, and sizes for clothing, etc. and a brief paragraph or two about them and their situation. Please provide their names and information to Rick as soon as possible via email or at 810-229-5880.


"Saturday, November 23, 2013" The South Oakland Shelter is hosting their 5th annual Dancing with the Stars program at the Townsend Hotel, 100 Townsend St, Birmingham, from 7PM to Midnight. Wear your dancing shoes and help raise money for an organization that helps homeless veterans here in Oakland County. See the official website for more information.

And from our friends at the VFW:
  1. November 21st, Thursday 6:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. – VFW 2358 Roseville.  "BINGO with Linked. – Progressive Jackpots".  Doors Open at 4:30 p.m.  Bingo starts at 6:30 p.m.  VFW 2358 is located 25671 Gratiot in Roseville, just ½ block South of Frazho.  Phone number is (586) 771-0173.  OPEN TO THE PUBLIC!
  2. November 22nd, Friday 9:00 a.m. – "MICHIGAN GAMING BOARD HEARING".  The Michigan Gaming Board has scheduled this hearing on the proposed rules for Charity Games.  Plan to attend or find someone to attend this hearing.  This is the "only" hearing that will take place in front of the agency that drafted the proposed rules.  It is a critical part of the rule making process.  Location is at Michigan Historical Library & Museum Forum located at 702 W. Kalamazoo Street in Lansing, MI 48909.  THIS IS OPEN TO THE PUBLIC!
7.      November 22nd, Friday 5:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. – VFW 1669 Royal Oak – "BURGER & FRIES or ONION RINGS for $5.50".  Your choice of a Burger & Fries or a Burger & Onion Rings for $5.50.  Happy Hour from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m.  OPEN TO THE PUBLIC!  Tell your Family & Friends.  Post 1669 is located at 214 E. 4th Street in Downtown Royal Oak, just 2 blocks East of Main Street.  Phone (248) 541-9846.
  1. November 22nd, Friday 4:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m., VFW 6802 Richmond – "ALL YOU CAN FISH FRY for $10".  Includes, Baked Potato or French Fries, Cole Slaw, Roll & Butter, OPEN TO THE PUBLIC! Fruit Salad, Cottage Cheese, Cake and Coffee.   All for Just $10.  Post 6802 is located at 34339 Division in Richmond.  48062.  Phone (586) 727-1436.
  2. November 22nd, Friday 5:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. – VFW 2645 Southfield.  "FRIDAY NIGHT FISH FRY".  COD Fish Dinner for $8, CATFISH or PERCH Dinner for $7.50, CHICKEN FINGER Dinner for $7.50, JUMBO SHRIMP Dinner for $9, WING DINGS & FRIES for $7, COMBO Dinners for $9.50, SANDWICHES for $5 and POUND CAKE per slice at $1.50.  Sides include French-Fries, Cole Slaw, Spaghetti, and Macaroni & Cheese.  Extra Sides $1.50.  Extra Fish $2.50.  Beverage is available.  Dine In or Take Out.  Call Ahead for Quicker Service at (248) 350-3529.  Come out, bring your Friends, and Enjoy a Great Meal.   OPEN TO THE PUBLIC!  Parking in rear of Post.  Post 2645 is located at 24222 W. 9 Mile Road, just West of Telegraph in Southfield.
  3. November 22nd, Friday 5:30 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. – VFW 1370 Pontiac – "Burger's- $4 w/ fries $5, Devil Dog- $3 w/ fries $4; bacon wrapped "Koegel" hot dog, beans, fresco cheese, and all the fixings including devil sauce, Steak Burrito - $4; steak, rice, bean, pico de gallo, and cheese - 2 pounder! $6, Boot Camp Burrito Challenge - 3 pound version of the regular steak burrito, loaded in devil sauce and extremely spicy.  1 out of 3 contestants have been able to complete the Ghost Chili Burrito challenge so far, the first to do it was a fellow U.S. Marine, Tom LaForge.  $12 or free if you complete the challenge within 45 minutes.   This is an open challenge, so any member or guest is welcome to try.  WARNING: it is extremely spicy.  To get a good look at the difficulty feel free to pull it up on YouTube under VFW 1370 1st Annual Boot camp Burrito Challenge."  VFW 1370 is located at 791 Mae Court in Pontiac 48340.  Phone (248) 858-9501.
  4. November 22nd, Friday 6:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. – VFW 2358 Roseville.  "Bingo with Linked – Progressive Jackpots".  Doors Open at 4:30 p.m.  Bingo starts at 6:30 p.m.  VFW 2358 is located 25671 Gratiot in Roseville, just ½ block South of Frazho.  Phone number is (586) 771-0173.  OPEN TO THE PUBLIC!
12.  November 22nd, Friday 8:30 p.m. to 12:30 a.m. – VFW 1146 St. Clair Shores – "KARAOKE IN THE CLUBROOM".  No Cover Charge!  Bruce Post 1146 is located at 28404 Jefferson (N. or 11 Mile Road) in St. Clair Shores.
  1. November 24th, Sunday 6:15 p.m. – VFW 4156 White Lake – "BINGO".  VFW 4156 is located at 321 Union Lake Road in White Lake 48386.  Phone 248-698-8302.
--   Tim Wirkus  Volunteer  Southfield Veterans' Commission


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