ACO Hardware collects over $50,000 for the Wounded and Returning Warriors of Michigan!

ACO Hardware collects over $50,000 for the Wounded and Returning Warriors of Michigan!

(LANSING –AUG 13, 2013)  - This year ACO Hardware and their generous customers outdid themselves. For the fourth straight year, from Memorial Day through July 4th, ACO stores accepted donations on behalf of the American Legion and the Wounded and Returning Warrior Program that assist returning military members and their families. Pictured with the check are from left, Gary Tanner and State Commander Raymond Moore, American Legion Department of Michigan, and Cody Brigham, Store Manager, and Wayne Burns, Director of Operations from ACO . Cody and his staff at the Chelsea ACO were the top store in the chain for donations. The store received a Certificate of Appreciation Plaque from the American Legion for their outstanding effort to this cause. Congratulations to Cody and his staff!

            “The money raised helps The American Legion continue to help Michigan National Guard members, service members, their families and Veterans throughout Michigan.” Commander Moore said “The wars continue and the effects of war are long lasting and The American Legion is here to help”.  Commander Moore continued, “We want to thank all of the employees of ACO Hardware stores for supporting the Military members and veterans in Michigan.”

                “Our Michigan Returning and Wounded Warrior Program help with simple needs for families of deployed family members, like help with a heating bill or food, to helping veterans in VA Medical programs who go to the Wilwin Lodge in the Upper Peninsula for group therapy sessions with doctors, to help with PTSD treatment.” explained Gray Tanner.

The American Legion Department of Michigan represents over 80,000 members in the State of Michigan. The American Legion was founded in 1919, based on “The Four Pillars”; veteran rehabilitation, Americanism, child welfare, and national security and continued above all its mission as a consumers’ advocate for veterans. For more information contact the Michigan Legion at 517-371-4720 ext 16,, or visit our website at

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