Highlights from the Commanders Group of Michigan's Feb 2013 Meeting

Lansing, MI - The Commanders Group of Michigan heard from the several officials today concerning veterans and services offered to them.

Service and Rehabilitation Chairman for the Group Dan Crocker of the VFW reported that the Detroit Regional Office currently takes 16-18 months to process a veterans claim, however, he stressed that if the veterans claim is "fully developed" before being submitted then the process is shorted to 4-6 months.  He encourages all veterans to use an Accredited service officer to work their claim.  He also reported that the current backlog is 32,000 claims in the Detroit Regional Office and 1.6 million claims behind nation wide.

Fort Custer National Cemetary Director Roy Luera reported that Rick Anderson, director of the Great Lakes National Cemetary retired on Jan 11th, 2013.  Roy has taken over as acting director for Great Lakes in addition to his duties at Fort Custer.  Fort Custer has a total of 29157 veterans, spouses, and family members internments.  Great Lakes has interned 17038 since opening. 

Michigan Association of County Veterans Counslers Director Garth Wooten will hold their annual training April 2-4, 2013 at the Kellogg Center in Lansing.  Directors of the Michigan Veterans Coalition will attend to discuss better coordination procedures with the counties to increase communications between the organizations and help more veterans.

Michigan Veterans Affairs Senior Director Jason Allen updated the group on the College Initiative efforts, the new military veterans agency being developed and recap of recent legislative activity.

Phil Smith from the VVA is chairman of the Veteran of the Year committee.  Applications are now being accepted for the Veteran of the Year.  Applications, DD214 and a write up must be sent to Phil SMith NLT May 31st, 2013 for consideration.  He also reported that Veterans Night at CoMerica Park will be July 10, 2013.  Further details to follow shortly.

Melissa Horste from Senator Levins office reported that a $7.1 million operations center for A10 attack planes is opening at Selfridge AFB in the coming weeks.  She also reported several representatives are working to bring C130's or C125 aircraft squadrons to Battle Creek to make it  a better full time base and avoid closure in the future,

The next Commanders Group Meeting will be held May 22nd, 2013 at the Grand Rapids Veterans Home, unch will be served at 1pm, meeting at 2 pm.  A memorial day event will occur at 5pm that evening.

Those were some of the highlights from today's Commanders Group quarterly meeting.


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