Membership Round Up March 10-11, 2012

MARCH 10, 2012

0800 hours start at Grand Rapids Furniture City Post #258, 401 N. Park N.E., Grand        Rapids, MI    TX:  616-530-0142.  (Breakfast - $6.00)

Stay time:  45-60 minutes.  Leave approx. 0900 hrs.

Travel approx. 2.5 hours to Detroit Joe Louis Post #375, 19486 Sherwood St. Detroit, MI             TX:  313-366-6904.  Arrive approx.  1130 hrs. (159 miles)

Stay time:  45 minutes.  Leave approx. 1215 hrs.

Travel approx. 24 minutes to Auburn Hills Hill-Gazette Post #143, 96 Churchill Rd.,         Auburn Hills, MI   TX:  248-852-4880.  Arrive approx. 1245 hrs. (31miles)    (Lunch – No Charge)

Stay time:  60 minutes.  Leave approx 1345 hrs.

Travel approx. 2.5 hrs to St. Helen Post #416, 10062 Ford Dr., St. Helen, MI
            TX:  989-389-4630.  Arrive approx 1615 hrs.  (151 miles) (Dinner - $6.50)

Stay time:  1-2 hours

Travel ½ hr. to Houghton Lake for overnight stay. (At your own expense) (23 miles)

MARCH 11, 2012

Leave Houghton Lake approx. 0900 hours.

Travel time approx. 5 ½ hrs, to Iron Mountain Uren-Cooper-Johnson Post #50, 
916 River Ave, Iron Mountain, MI     TX:  906-774-5797. (W/1hr+ lunch,
arrive approx 1545 hrs) (308 miles) (Dinner - $6.50)

Spend the night in Iron Mountain (at your own expense) or proceed home at your own pace.


Thank you for traveling with the Department of Michigan American Legion, Auxiliary and Sons of the American Legion on this very important Family Membership Roundup.

The American Legion Department of Michigan represents over 70,000 members in the State of Michigan. The American Legion was founded in 1919, based on “The Four Pillars”; veteran rehabilitation, Americanism, child welfare, and national security and continued above all its mission as a consumers’ advocate for veterans. For more information contact the Michigan Legion at 517-371-4720 ext 16,, or visit our website at


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