Give the Gift of Sponsorship - Boys State

Give the Gift of a Sponsorship

By Nelson O’Brien, Michigan Boys State Director

.  The Boys State program will  change the life of the young man you or your Post sponsors.  Remember sponsorship can come from anyone.  It changed the life of Grant Comer, MD, MSc when he attended Boys State in Indiana, but now works and lives in Michigan.

“The week was, quite simply, incredible. Whereas in high school I constantly tried to fit in with my peers, at Boys State I was surrounded by intelligent, driven, and extremely personable guys who were my peers. I was immersed into a group of friends that I never knew existed. This allowed me to finally embrace excellence instead of suppressing it to feel accepted.” -Grant

It’s Not Just About Politics

This year when you or your Post Sponsors a young man they will participate in the 75th year of the Michigan Boys State program.  We started in 1938 with 838 boys in attendance at MSU.  We have a goal for 300 this year. Will you sponsor a boy to attend?  We are looking for a 15-16 year old boy going from their junior to their senior year of High School. 

What is Boys State?

It is hard to believe but some still do not know what Boys State is, if you need more information please feel free to contact me at  Refer to your October Legionnaire newspaper for a full page about the program.

If funds are not available to sponsor a boy, but your Post has the desire please call Deanna at Department headquarters or one of the Boy State Committee members and we will find sponsorship money. 

We are working on a special seventy fifth anniversary commemorative pin that will be given to each attendee. Please help me and the Boys State committee to make this program successful in the months to come. I thank each and every one of you for your assistance.

The American Legion Department of Michigan represents over 70,000 members in the State of Michigan. The American Legion was founded in 1919, based on “The Four Pillars”; veteran rehabilitation, Americanism, child welfare, and national security and continued above all its mission as a consumers’ advocate for veterans. For more information contact the Michigan Legion at 517-371-4720 ext 16,, or visit our website at


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