Children & Youth
April is C & Y Month
By Ron Geiger, Children & Youth Department Chairman

     April is Children & Youth month.  Annually, Posts are asked to set aside April to conduct a special activity which places emphasis on the Children & Youth program and informs our members and the community of the American Legion's accomplishments on behalf of young people.  There are many ways a Post can observe "April is Children & Youth month".  The following are just a few suggestions;  Sponsor a community project for or with children, such as, a talent show featuring young people to raise money for specific community projects, or, you could organize youth panels to discuss teenage problems in your communities, or, organize visits to children's hospitals.

     A special brochure highlighting April as Children & Youth month is available for download in the Children & Youth section atwww.legion.org (Click Media, then Publications)

     If Posts participate in any of the above programs, or any program involving Children & Youth, be sure to report it in the Consolidated Post Report along with everything else you have done throughout the year.  Our National Commander is asking for 75% of Posts in each Department to submit their Consolidated Post Reports by the deadline.  Let's make this happen!  As a team we can do that!  Remember our core purpose:  A square deal for every child.


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