2012 Michigan Legion Legislative Reception

WASHINGTON, D.C. - Michigan Legion members, Auxiliary, and SAL members came to Washington to meet with our elected representatives.  Each representative received at least 4 invitations/notices of the meeting from the Lansing office.  The delegates who came to Washington also sent requests to meet their representatives.  With all of the representatives in town, we were only visited by 2 Congressmen in person.  Congress John Dingell and Congressman Bill Huizenga (2nd District) took the time to visit and listen to the concerns we have about the VA budget and several issues concerning legislation.

Other offices sent their aides to meet with the delegation; Rep. Amash, Rep. Benishek, Rep. Upton, and Senator Stabenow. We are appreciative of the ones who came to hear from veterans in Michigan, and disappointed in those representatives who did not appear.


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