Michigan Basketball Honor's Veterans November 11th, 2011-Ticket's 4 for $11

ANN ARBOR, Mich. -- The University of Michigan Athletic Department will honor America's past and present military men and women on Friday November 11th, 2011 The Athletic Department will also honor our nation's servicemen and women during the Men’s Basketball game against Ferris State on Friday, November 11. All current and former Military members are eligible to receive a discounted rate of 4 tickets for $11.  Additionally, the Men’s Basketball team will be hosting its 3rd Annual Care Package Drive in conjunction with the University of Michigan Student Veterans Association.  Donations can be dropped off at Crisler Arena in the concourse near Gate E, Gate A or Gate B.

Preferred donation items include:

1.  Black/White socks
2.  Deodorant
3.  Men’s boxers/briefs and undershirts (all sizes)
4.  Gum
5.  Protein bars
6.  Canned chicken/tuna and ramen noodles
7.  Hand-written letters
8.  Hot Chocolate Mix
9.  Magazines (non-pornographic)
10. Granola Bars
11. Dried Fruit/Chex Mix
12. Baby Wipes
13. Chapstick
14. Batteries
15. Crossword puzzle/Word search books
16. Gas Cards (for vets moving to and from VA hospital)
17. $5-$10 Gift Cards to Restaurants, Target, Walmart, Meijer, etc (for homeless vets)
18. Snack kits for homeless vets (put in a Ziploc bag)
                -Roll of lifesavers (or other hard candy – non melting)
                -Granola bar, Rice Krispies bar, etc
                -Plastic utensils (knife, fork, spoon with napkin)
                -Ritz Snack Mix, trail mix, etc
                -Easy open can of tuna or other canned meat
To order your tickets
Instructions for Promotional Code:
1)      Visit www.MGoBlue.com/tickets
2)      On the left side---4th Tab Down--- click on the “Promotions” tab
3)      Enter:  UM4VETS
4)      Then fill out your ticket

For more information on any of the above events contact Ryan Duey at (734) 615-2025 or Angela Thick at (734) 647-0729.  

The American Legion Department of Michigan represents over 70,000 members in the State of Michigan. The American Legion was founded in 1919, based on “The Four Pillars”; veteran rehabilitation, Americanism, child welfare, and national security and continued above all its mission as a consumers’ advocate for veterans. For more information contact the Michigan Legion at 517-371-4720 ext 16, mark@michiganlegion.org, or visit our website at www.michiganlegion.org.


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