Celebrating With Thanksgiving

Eddie W. Brown, State Chaplain

“Celebrate with Thanksgiving”
            The holidays, or Holy Days as I like to call them, are fast approaching.  This is a special time of year and most religions have various celebrations during the next few months.  Many of us still working receive a few days off to celebrate with our families these special days of historical and/or religious significance.   During these events we need to remember the reason for the season.  We need to take time out of celebrations to honor God.  Psalm 69:30 says “I will praise God’s name in song and glorify him with thanksgiving.”
            Thanksgiving needs to be more than football Thursday.  We need to take time to explain to our children why we are celebrating.  It sounds a little hokey but we really do need to repeat the stories of long ago.  Our children need to understand them and be able to carry on the traditions in years to come.  And, we need to include God in our celebration.  I like it when we go around the table and mention something we are thankful for.  And I do have so much for which I am thankful including a loving wife and family (have you seen the pictures of our granddaughter yet).    And when we go around the table it gives us another chance to tell someone that you love thanks for being in my life.  Hopefully we show our love in many ways every day, but it is still nice to say now and then. 
            Of course we have Christmas coming up as well.  For Christians this is one of the most significant events that we celebrate.  But for all of us, we should take the time to thank God for coming into our world and lives, regardless of your faith.  Although I have said it before I want to remind you that there are those among us that do not have family to share these days with.  Sometimes the Legion is about all the family they have.  So let’s be aware of those around of and find ways to include them. 
            And then, let’s celebrate and make a joyful noise.  Someone once said about me, when I get religion I want it to be like Eddie.  It was a great compliment because I do love to celebrate.  I want people to see the joy in my life and like being around me.  I want them to share in the love that God has given me and see the goodwill I have toward man and that it can be fun as well.  So give the right importance to the event, thank God and then celebrate His goodness.  Nehemiah 12:27-43:  At the dedication of the wall of Jerusalem, the Levites were sought out from where they lived and were brought to Jerusalem to celebrate joyfully the dedication with songs of thanksgiving and with the music of cymbals, harps and lyres. The musicians also were brought together from the region around Jerusalem…The sound of rejoicing in Jerusalem could be heard far away.”  God Bless You All.  Chaplin Eddie

The American Legion Department of Michigan represents over 70,000 members in the State of Michigan. The American Legion was founded in 1919, based on “The Four Pillars”; veteran rehabilitation, Americanism, child welfare, and national security and continued above all its mission as a consumers’ advocate for veterans. For more information contact the Michigan Legion at 517-371-4720 ext 16, mark@michiganlegion.org, or visit our website at www.michiganlegion.org.


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