6th Annual Metropolitan Detroit Veterans Day Parade Nov 5th, 2011

2011 Metropolitan Detroit Veterans Day Parade
Saturday November 5th, 2011

Staging @ 0800, Vietnam Veterans of America Chapter 19, Woodward, at Temple St (just north of the Fox Theater. A 30-45 pre-parade ceremony. Step-off at 1000, southbound on Woodward to Hart Plaza. Saturday, November 5, 2011 (This is so as not to interfere with any actual November 11 ceremonies).
This is a parade of veterans, by veterans, and for veterans

Come out and Support the Parade... Legion Posts and Veterans Groups are encouraged to enter a group or display.  Contact John Williams, American Legion Post # 253, Royal Oak (248) 569-0824

The American Legion Department of Michigan represents over 70,000 members in the State of Michigan. The American Legion was founded in 1919, based on “The Four Pillars”; veteran rehabilitation, Americanism, child welfare, and national security and continued above all its mission as a consumers’ advocate for veterans. For more information contact the Michigan Legion at 517-371-4720 ext 16, mark@michiganlegion.org, or visit our website at www.michiganlegion.org.


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