American Legion Department of Michigan VA&R Division Awarded National Award

    The American Legion Department VA&R Division was awarded the William F. Lenker National American Legion Service Award for 2011 at the National Convention held in Minneapolis MN on Wednesday August 31, 2011.
  The award was presented by National Commander Jimmy Foster, Alaska.  Accepting the award for the Department was James C. Topps, VA&R Director, State Commander William Hafeman, State Adjutant Patrick Lafferty, State VA&R Chairman Raymond Moore, National Jr. Vice Commander John Mella, Past National Commanders Thomas P. Cadmus and Robert Sponogle. 

    This is the first time that Michigan has been awarded this very prestigious award from our National Organization. VA&R Director completed the 8 page application that had to include all of the VA&R Activities of the Department VA&R Division.  This included all volunteer hours at all 5 of Michigan VA Medical Centers as well as both State Veterans homes here in Michigan, these hours also included the Legion Auxiliary and Sons of the American Legion.  Along with outreach programs, Post Revitalizations, Stand Downs, and Hours spent at Michigan homeless shelters, we were able to show the amount of hours and dollars expended throughout the entire year.  This award also included the reports from all of our Post and District Service officers throughout the State.  
    Our Department VA&R Division was the top Claims writers here in Michigan this year.  This included the largest number of Claims for Compensation, Pension and Education as well as VA Health Care Enrollment.
Winning the William E. Linker National Service awards shows the dedication of the entire VA&R Division, All of the Service Officers and the support Staff in our Detroit Office. 

    This also shows how much support the VA&R Division gets from the entire American Legion Family here in Michigan.  Thank you to the greatest Finance Committee for assuring the funding for the VA&R Division, thank you to every Legionnaire, Auxiliaries, and Sons of the American Legion.

Thank you all for your continued support of this GREAT PROGRAM OF THE AMERICAN LEGION DEPARTMENT OF MICHIGAN.

James C. “Jimmy” Topps, Director
VA&R Division
American Legion Department of MI

The American Legion Department of Michigan represents over 70,000 members in the State of Michigan. The American Legion was founded in 1919, based on “The Four Pillars”; veteran rehabilitation, Americanism, child welfare, and national security and continued above all its mission as a consumers’ advocate for veterans. For more information contact the Michigan Legion at 517-371-4720 ext 16,, or visit our website at


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