1st Zone Picnic - Saturday August 6th, 2011

The 3rd annual 1st Zone picnic is coming up soon on Saturday August 6th. It will be held at Taylor post 200, 11800 Michael St, Taylor, MI 48180 starting at noon until we run out of food. This year there will be a band playing great music from the past and present. I hope all legion family members will come out and show your support for the 1st Zone family. There is a $2.00 entrance fee due to the lack of donations this year. I would like to take the opportunity to thank the squadrons in the 16th district for their donations. You can get ahold of Alex Germany or Archie Chapel for ticket information. Thank you also to the picnic committee for their hard work for keeping the picnic going.

See you there,
Jeremy Bell 
1st Zone Commander

The American Legion Department of Michigan represents over 70,000 members in the State of Michigan. The American Legion was founded in 1919, based on “The Four Pillars”; veteran rehabilitation, Americanism, child welfare, and national security and continued above all its mission as a consumers’ advocate for veterans. For more information contact the Michigan Legion at 517-371-4720 ext 16, mark@michiganlegion.org, or visit our website at www.michiganlegion.org.


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