President Obama to address Legionnaires | The American Legion | Veterans Serving Veterans

President Obama to address Legionnaires | The American Legion | Veterans Serving Veterans

WASHINGTON (July 13, 2011) -- President Barack Obama has accepted an invitation from American Legion National Commander Jimmie L. Foster to speak in person at the nation’s largest gathering of veterans and their families Aug. 30 in Minneapolis.
“It is always an honor to welcome the commander-in-chief at our national convention, but it is more meaningful than ever this year, as we look back on recent progress regarding the compassionate care of our nation’s wounded warriors, veterans, and the families who care for them, and as we look forward to challenges and opportunities alike for the Department of Veterans Affairs,” Foster said. “The nation’s largest organization of wartime veterans is deeply interested in the administration’s vision for the future of our economy, our national security and VA. We are all in this together.”
Foster, who met with Obama earlier this year in the Oval Office to discuss a variety of high-priority American Legion issues, said he is excited to hear the president address the Legion.

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