American Legion Michigan District 3 Launches New Website

     Dr. Monroe Johnson, Jr., 3rd District Commander, is pleased to announce the Internet publication today of our 3rd District website.

   The site was developed as a resource tool for the Posts, Auxiliary, Sons of the Legion, and Legion Riders of our District. This was accomplished in following with the objectives set by newly elected Department Commander Richard Chatman at the Convention. We must embrace the great technology that is available to us today, so that we are better equipped to serve our veterans, our Posts, and the communities in which we all reside. Commander Chatman further emphasized that as Legion officers and members we must all be "United, Energized, Engaged, Enthusiastic, and Committed" to make 2011-2012 the best year on record for The American Legion. 

The American Legion Department of Michigan represents over 70,000 members in the State of Michigan. The American Legion was founded in 1919, based on “The Four Pillars”; veteran rehabilitation, Americanism, child welfare, and national security and continued above all its mission as a consumers’ advocate for veterans. For more information contact the Michigan Legion at 517-371-4720 ext 16,, or visit our website at

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